B.o.B Presents: The Adventures of Bobby Ray

唱片公司:Atlantic Records

B.o.B Presents: The Adventures of Bobby Ray专辑介绍

*Vibe专题与封面人物、XXL的「Hip-Hop's Class Of 2009」、娱乐周刊「Next Big Thing」之快红饶舌新生代
*收录终结蕾哈娜5周冠军曲「Rude Boy」并拿下白金唱片销售认证的的「Nothin On You」
*第二波主打「Airplanes」,请来当红乐团Paramore女主唱Hayley Williams献艺,空降流行榜第12名,加收的Part II,则放任白人饶舌之光阿姆狂妄演绎

以终结蕾哈娜5周冠军曲「Rude Boy」的「Nothin’ On You」,获颁一枚白金唱片认证,瞬间引起镁光灯聚焦所在,大家都在问,谁是B.o.B?这位尚未正式出道的小伙子,早在2008年就成为Vibe杂志力荐的才气神童、10月的专题与封面人物;和Asher Roth、Charles Hamilton、Kid Cudi、Wale等耀眼新秀们登上XXL杂志封面,同时入围「Hip-Hop's Class Of 2009」名单,娱乐周刊选入「Next Big Thing」行列!于地下独立嘻哈界打滚多年,建立起响亮名声的B.o.B,为如火如荼延烧全球的饶舌乐派,再造一位不容小觑的新战将!

出生北卡罗莱纳州,本名Bobby Ray Simmons的B.o.B,从小就将信手拈来的说唱艺术发挥到淋漓尽致,打从钢琴、键盘、吉他、喇叭、一直到取样器的把玩,全都难不倒B.o.B。15岁开始打造The Klinic二人组,高中毕业后,他的伙伴进入大学校园,B.o.B随即展开单飞生涯。2006-2010年间,密集推出多达6张的Mixtape和2张EP,吸引主流大厂的目光,最终签入赢得葛莱美和全美音乐奖双项肯定的南岸饶舌奇才T.I.所自设的品牌Grand Hustle旗下,也是T.I.最引以为傲的2010年秘密武器!

人生处处充满了冒险,需要有胆识才能突破命运并创造新价值、累积出宝贵的财富,就像B.o.B藉由音乐的无国界理念,大胆且尽兴地端出“B.o.B Presents: The Adventures Of Bobby Ray”首张精彩大碟。第一波主打「Nothin’ On You」,让B.o.B一战成名,双霸US饶舌+流行榜冠军,请到新锐幕后工作者Bruno Mars助唱,以节奏蓝调贯穿嘻哈律动,唱出对爱人忠贞不二的坚决,绝对令女孩们听到心花怒放;请到饶舌界传奇人物Jay-Z的新彗星Lupe Fiasco帮腔之「Past My Shades」,堆叠电吉他和鼓击不留情的互奏下,勾勒出力道十足的摇滚轮廓;当红电影【暮光之城:无惧的爱】主题曲演唱团、美国青少年票选最爱队伍Paramore女主唱Hayley Williams献艺之「Airplanes」,包裹耐听的顺畅旋律,在弦乐和琴韵迴绕的讨好双耳下,空降告示牌流行榜第12名,另外,加收的「Airplanes, Part II」,则放任白人饶舌之光阿姆狂妄演绎;「Bet I」则和恩师T.I.持续发扬Dirty South的独特音种;当红炸子鸡Dr. Luke(Kelly Clarkson、Avril Lavigne)操盘的「Magic」,邀来兼任主唱/吉他手的Weezer灵魂支柱Rivers Cuomo情义相挺,玩性大开地混搭出Electro-Pop声调!

Known primarily for his heavy smokers anthem, 'Cloud 9,' and the frenetic energy of his song 'Haterz Everywhere,' B.o.B scored a record deal with Atlantic Records while he was still in high school. Now, the teen-aged rap phenomenon is ready to bring his genre-bending style nationwide with his highly anticipated debut, 'B.o.B Presents: The Adventures of Bobby Ray' on Rebel Rock/Grand Hustle/Atlantic Records. 'B.o.B Presents: The Adventures of Bobby Ray,' is a fascinating journey into the Atlanta artist's far-reaching imagination. On the track 'Not Alone,' a song B.o.B describes as an alternative rock chant, he touches on his pain as a child who was unable to fit in with his own peers. The Tombz-produced cut, 'Camera,' explores the story of a young woman who chooses life as a stripper over a college education. B.o.B continues to rap to the ladies on 'Cyber Heaven,' where he claims his lovin' will take them out of this world, while 'Haterz Everywhere' featuring Rich Boy, a song that has flooded the South since its release in early 2007, proves his stronghold over the competition. B.o.B's most honest reflection of his artistic intent comes on 'Trippin',' where he raps about using his craft as a therapeutic means of solving his feelings of eccentricity. 'I feel like I have a really different perspective,' he says. 'When I grew up it was really hard for me to figure out why I felt that way, like I really felt like I was from another planet. Now, it's the opposite. All of that time I spent developing my talent and really analyzing myself, now I feel like I can express all of that and give all of my energy and love to the world.' After producing the majority of his album by himself and learning to play multiple musical instruments - including the piano, trumpet and French horn - B.o.B is destined to spread his message of creativity and empowerment through his music. 'I just want to show people that there are endless possibilities of what you can do,' he says. 'You don't just have to be a rapper, you don't just have to be a trapper; you can be anything you want to be and whatever you do, just love it and it will show.'


B.o.B Presents: The Adventures of Bobby Ray专辑歌曲

disc 1
disc 2
