More classiness from the Future Classics imprint here, serving further notice as to the burgeoning talents of elusive Aussie duo Flight Facilities. There's an undeniable slink to "Foreign Language," helped no doubt by the silky harmonies that vocalist Jess possesses, which ride the subtle Philly disco style instrumental embellishments with natural aplomb. It's doesn't sound that far away from a classic Crazy P jam, which is obviously a good thing - speaking of which the accompanying remixes also fall under this category of goodness. Aus and Simple boss Will Saul teams up with studio pal Tam Cooper on a cavernous effort that sits nicely between the disco leanings of the original and the more stringent house manoeuvres they are known for - check that bassline. Up next, Rocco Raimundo magnifies the glistening elements with an expertise familiar to fans of his edit work, whilst mystery Swedish troupe Drop Out Orchestra lay down the funk with a trademark revision that lays Jess's vocals over a completely new, live instrument driven arrangement. Be sure to check the digi only remixes from Beni and Elizabeth Rose as well as another original cut in the shape of "Feelin".