Grandes Éxitos (超级精选辑(2CD: 精选+新歌))(超级精选辑(2CD: 精选+新歌))

艺人:Luis Miguel
唱片公司:Warner Music

Grandes Éxitos (超级精选辑(2CD: 精选+新歌))专辑介绍

*萃选30首历年畅销曲,包括称霸拉丁电台榜冠军达7个月之久的"La Incondicional",以及"No Sé Tú"、"Inolvidable"、"O Tú, O Ninguna"、"Te Necesito"等14首拉丁热门单曲榜冠军力作,和散发着艳阳般热情活力的劲歌"Suave",与1992年为巴塞隆纳奥运特辑所灌录的"América, América",还有"Amor, Amor, Amor"、"Perfidia"、"Somos Novios"…等多首动人的波丽露(Bolero)名曲
*特别推荐2首2005年度浪漫新歌"Misterios Del Amor"和"Si Te Perdiera","Misterios Del Amor" 发行首周空降墨西哥单曲榜冠军

踏进乐坛20多年来,路易斯马吉尔为拉丁音乐创造了无数的里程碑-他是史上拥有最多座[共7座]葛莱美奖的拉丁艺人,他是第一位获得世界音乐奖的拉丁美洲艺人(1990年),他是第一位以西班牙演唱专辑获得美国唱片工会颁发金唱片认证的拉丁歌手(1991年),他是首位同时在纽约麦迪逊花园广场、洛杉矶环球剧场与迈阿密Knight Center等美国3大演唱会场地创造演唱会纪录的拉丁艺人(1993年),他是首位获得美国唱片工会颁发白金唱片销售认证的非美籍艺人(1994年),他刷新了拉丁歌手在拉斯维加斯登台演唱的最高酬劳纪录(1996年),他创下了西班牙文专辑首周进驻流行专辑榜最高名次的纪录(1997年专辑"Romances"首周攻占流行专辑榜第14名),他是首位打进全美年度演唱会票房排行榜前20名的拉丁艺人(1997年),他打破了拉丁艺人在美国举行演唱会入场人数最高的纪录(1999-2000年间所举行的The Luis Miguel Tour),他是乐坛公认第一位把波丽露音乐全面流行化最成功的艺人(他历年所发行的此类乐风专辑总计在全球累积超过2000万张的销售)。



2005年岁末,路易斯马吉尔发行歌唱生涯首张双CD的精选大碟"Grandes Éxitos",汇整这位拉丁乐坛天之骄子历年30首畅销单曲与2首年度新歌。
历年畅销曲部分萃选了在拉丁电台排行榜冠军位置称霸达7个月之久的"La Incondicional"、改编自60年代流行金曲"I Only Wanna Be With You"的"Ahora Te Puedes Marchar"以及"Fría Como el Viento"、"Entrégate"、"Tengo Todo Excepto A Tí"、
"Inolvidable"、"No Sé Tú"、"Hasta Que Me Olvides"、"El Día Que Me Quieras"、"La Media Vuelta"、"Si Nos Dejan"、"Por Debajo De La Mesa"、"O Tú, O Ninguna"、"Te Necesito"等14首拉丁热门单曲榜冠军力作,还有散发着艳阳般热情活力的"Suave"、1992年为巴塞隆纳奥运特辑所灌录的"América, América",跟"Amor, Amor, Amor"、"Perfidia"、"Somos Novios"…等多首动人的波丽露名曲。
2首由他亲自操刀制作的年度新歌都是真情流露的波丽露情歌,其中"Misterios Del Amor"率先在排行榜上抢得头采,发行首周旋即空降墨西哥单曲榜冠军与阿根廷单曲榜亚军。

Grandes Exitos is the first greatest hits collection released from Mexican singer Luis Miguel under the Warner Music label. It was released on November 22, 2005.
As expected, many of the artist's singles were not included, but two new songs were: "Misterios del Amor" (#29 on the Billboard Hot Latin Tracks) and "Si Te Perdiera" (#47 on the Billboard Hot Latin Tracks).
Recorded: 1987–2005

AMG Review by Thom Jurek
If ever an artist deserved a deluxe retrospective, Mexico's Luis Miguel is the one. Miguel began his career as a teen pop singer in 1987 with "Soy Como Quiero Ser" and followed it up with "Busca una Mujer" in 1988. He has continually topped the Latin charts and has won two Grammys. In 1990 he began to shift his sound to more traditional romantic material and has followed that path ever since, down the winding road where he melded traditional son and popular styles from soul to disco to the lush, romantic crooning of his fully mature style into a signature of his own. This set contains two CDs loaded with 32 cuts, culled from 17 albums recorded between 1987 and 2005. Virtually every hit is included in the set, and some of the fiery live performances from Vivo are here as well. It's fascinating to hear his development from being a brash teen idol to a mature song stylist who commands respect everywhere he goes. Miguel is a serious player in a field that is intensely loyal. In other words, he never had to work as hard as he has, but he pushes his own envelope, he's aware of his strengths, and he's never satisfied with merely playing to them. Some of the music here sounds dated, it's true, but the way the trajectory works is utterly engaging and worthwhile. Fans will want this keepsake, without a doubt. For those who got on the boat late, Grandes Exitos

Billboard Charts:
2005 Grandes Éxitos Latin Pop 6
2005 Grandes Éxitos Top Latin Albums 8
2006 Grandes Éxitos Latin Pop 6
2006 Grandes Éxitos Top Latin Albums 8
2005 Misterios Del Amor Hot Latin Tracks 29
2005 Misterios Del Amor Latin Pop Airplay 8
2006 Si Te Perdiera Hot Latin Tracks 47
2006 Si Te Perdiera Latin Pop Airplay 20


Grandes Éxitos (超级精选辑(2CD: 精选+新歌))专辑歌曲

disc 1
disc 2
