American Football

艺人:American Football

American Football专辑介绍

American Football于2014年5月20日发行了该专辑的豪华版(见Disc 2),收录了乐队的Demo和现场。

by Nitsuh Abebe

Considering the incredible appeal of American Football's debut single with Polyvinyl, it was quite easy to expect great things from their first album -- tracks like "The One with the Tambourine" took Mike Kinsella far beyond his emo roots, into beautiful territory that had more in common with Red House Painters than Cap'n Jazz. American Football, the group's album debut, may not hit quite the same heights, but it comes close enough that no one should be bothered; Mike Kinsella treads the same brightly arpeggiated post-emo (to coin a phrase) territory his brother Tim Kinsella does with Joan of Arc (albeit without the abstraction). The obvious progression from the Polyvinyl single comes in the form of horns and Wurlizter dabbed tastefully onto a few tracks; when the band picks up into more conventionally driving territory ("Honestly?"), things are still appealing -- but Kinsella's main strength seems to be in drifting, floating waves of melody, and American Football makes good on this in a pretty impressive way.


American Football专辑歌曲

disc 1
disc 2
