
艺人:Down by Law
唱片公司:Union 2112


by Johnny Loftus

Windwardtidesandwaywardsails is Down By Law's first collection of 100 percent new material since 1999's Fly the Flag and its first for Montreal's Union Label Group. It features the same lineup as that album, including longtime mouthpiece and guitarist Dave Smalley, bassist Keith Davies, drummer Milo Todesco, and lead guitarist Sam Williams. Written principally by Smalley and Williams, Windwardtides does include some of the band's strongest material since 1994's Punkrockacademyfightsong, even if Smalley's lyrics occasionally lurch into clichéd, preachy territory. While album opener "Next to Go" is a rather formulaic, double-time rant against society's unpredictability, things brighten considerably with "Put the Boots In," the first of the record's numerous Clash tributes. Accompanied by effective playing in the punk style (including some fiery lead guitar from Williams), Smalley leads the charge with the rallying cry "fight fight for what you want!" It's refreshing to hear a group so steeped in the punk and hardcore tradition, especially in an era when the music's ideals or supposed fashion sense are co-opted for gain opposite to what they were supposed to stand for in the first place. ... Read More...



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