Gran Turismo

艺人:The Cardigans
唱片公司:Stockholm Records

Gran Turismo专辑介绍

★【Gran Turismo】:一改温柔甜美作风,往美式摇滚靠拢,全球勇创300万张销售
★【Gran Turismo 狂飙青春】:
1998年就在另类风于流行乐坛上大肆造反之际,羊毛衫做了相当大胆的尝试,往美式摇滚靠拢,一改温柔甜美作风,摇身一变为酷悍重装部队的【Gran Turismo】,再次托付瑞典籍且扬名国际的Tore Johansson(New Order、Suede、OK Go)掌舵,全球勇闯300万张销售门坎。第一波配上断头惊悚MV主打"My Favourite Game"强力放送,冲上美国现代摇滚榜Top16;相当具有个性的中板之作"Erase/Rewind",缔造英国第7名佳绩。11首曲目皆有独当一面的强势宣传实力!

Gran Turismo is the fourth studio album by the Swedish band The Cardigans, released internationally on October 1, 1998 and in November 1998 in the United States. It features a darker and more moody type of music, mixing with more electronic sounds. In an interview in 2009, producer and sound engineer Tore Johansson commented on the dark sound of the record, which sets it apart from the warm, jammy feel of many other recordings made at Tambourine Studios: "It's a very cold and defined recording, no natural reverb or audio curtains: there's not a sound element on that disc which wasn't deliberately put there." Gran Turismo sold more than 3 million copies worldwide. Alternative Metal band the Deftones would later cover "Do You Believe" as a bonus track for their album Diamond Eyes


Gran Turismo专辑歌曲

disc 1
