
艺人:Bloc Party
唱片公司:Wichita (UK)


·包裹煽动性强烈欢乐跳舞音韵,被誉为「新Franz Ferdinand」的英国顶尖新贵
·有请葛莱美奖肯定的Jacknife Lee与新锐製作/混音好手Paul Epworth加持,率先抢滩英国TOP8+澳洲TOP5佳绩
·The Guardian四星:勇敢、独特且真诚;BBC讚誉:美到难以言喻,释放早期味觉,交出一张非常出色的惊喜之作;滚石杂志三星半:自信大胆的提升乐团至另一高峰

师承Post-Punk的精良要素、处处宣洩舞动强烈节奏,带出畅快聆听的煽动性强烈之欢乐音韵,被誉为「新Franz Ferdinand」的Bloc Party.,更沾染出深具前瞻性的音乐图像。这几年吹起振兴庞克复古风潮,在英国市场成了蔚为强势的音浪,尤其在这几乎白人当道的摇滚乐坛中,顶着奈及利亚裔黑人身份的主唱Kele Okereke,更是引人瞩目。
1999年吉他手Russell Lissack和Kele看过英国一年一度大型摇滚祭典Reading Festival后,也希望有朝一日能站上舞台。陆续徵集到贝斯手Gordon Moakes以及鼓手Matt Tong,经过许多团名筛选,于2003年决定以Bloc Party.正式上路。2005年发行首张专辑『Silent Alarm』,登上英国金榜季军拿下白金唱片,入围水晶音乐奖,拿下NME年终榜冠军。快速走红的Bloc Party.,同年推出溷音特辑『Silent Alarm Remixed』,找来许多顶尖乐手/团体激发出更具魅力的实验火花。2007年第二张大碟『A Weekend In The City』,不仅更上层楼坐到英国亚军席次,同时打开美国市场写出Top12耀眼佳绩,2007、2008也风光荣登梦寐以求的Reading主舞台。

Bloc Party.打铁趁热问世【Intimacy】,有曾获葛莱美奖肯定的Jacknife Lee(U2、REM、Weezer)、和新锐製作/溷音好手Paul Epworth(Muse、The Killers、Primal Scream)加持,率先缔造英国Top8+澳洲Top5佳绩。厚重吉他飙奏环伺“Ares”,调融 Chemical Brothers式的狂放Big Beat风格,强烈音线一再刺激聆听者耳膜;主打歌“Mercury”吸收高能量的Drum N Bass精华,入选DrownedinSound.com网站「当週最佳单曲」,高居英国金榜Top16;“Halo& rdquo;以及“Trojan Horse”则稳固了Art Rock的结构,火力全开爆发畅快劲道。来自四面八方的推崇:The Guardian四星:「勇敢、独特且真诚的」、BBC讚誉:「Intimacy美到难以言喻,释放早期的味觉,交出一张非常出色的惊喜之作」、滚石杂志三星半:「自信大胆的提升乐团至另一高峰」,已证实Bloc Party.日趋成熟的蜕变。想要开趴,不须跑夜店,在家放入【Intimacy】就可让你尽兴享受Party气氛。

Intimacy is the third studio album by British indie rock band Bloc Party. It was recorded in two weeks at several locations in London and Kent during 2008 and was produced by Paul Epworth and Jacknife Lee. Inspired by the release options available in the Internet age, the band members made the album available for purchase on their website as a digital download on 21 August 2008. Minimal promotion was undertaken in the UK. The record was released in compact disc form on 24 October 2008, with Wichita Recordings as the primary label. It peaked at number 8 on the UK Albums Chart and entered the Billboard 200 in the United States at number 18.
Bloc Party wanted to create an album that further distanced the band from the traditional rock set-up by incorporating more electronic elements and unconventional musical arrangements. As the record's title suggests, its tracks are about personal relationships and are loosely based on one of frontman Kele Okereke's break-ups in 2007. Three songs were released as singles: "Mercury", "Talons", and "One Month Off"; the first two tracks entered the UK Top 40. Intimacy was generally well received by critics. Reviewers often focused on its rush-release and central theme, and considered them either bold steps or poor choices.



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