
艺人:Johannes Linstead
唱片公司:Earthscape Music


by Chris Nickson

There's no denying the fact that Johannes Linstead is a superb guitarist with excellent dexterity. And on the basis of "Motika," he's also an accomplished pianist, with a feel for Cuban rhythm. Add to that the taste to surround himself with players of a similar caliber, especially violinist Vasyl Popadiouk, who shines on the opener, "Andalucia," and the technical quality of Linstead's fifth CD is assured. There's certainly a warm, lush feel to the disc, with guitar front and center, exactly as it should be. The downside -- if, indeed, it is a drawback -- is the album's lightness. It glistens on the surface with a Mediterranean sheen, but there's little depth under that. And that's what ultimately makes it a less than satisfying listening experience. As the background to dinner or conversation, it's fine. But to listen in greater depth, though pleasant the first time, offers little beyond that; not a record that stands up to repeated listenings.



disc 1
