The Rock (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)(勇闯夺命岛)(勇闯夺命岛)

艺人:Hans Zimmer

The Rock (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)(勇闯夺命岛)专辑介绍

美国海军陆战队法兰(艾德•哈里斯 Ed Harris 饰)将军因不满政府对退伍、战死军人及其家属的补偿和福利不满,率领部下将美军最新研制的生化武器――VX毒气弹――偷运到罗克岛,劫持了81名正在该岛观光的游客,控制了该岛。要挟美国政府48小时内支付1亿元赎金否则将杀死人质并用毒气弹袭击旧金山。
罗克岛之前曾是美国防卫最严密的监狱,易守难攻。美国政府偶然从档案中发现前英国特工梅森(肖恩•康纳利 Sean Connery 饰)曾顺利从该监狱出逃,于是他们请来了梅森,要求他30小时之内带领特种部队攻占这座“魔鬼岛”……(豆瓣)

by Jason Ankeny
Composed in tandem with Media Ventures partners including Nick Glennie-Smith and Harry Gregson-Williams, Hans Zimmer's The Rock typifies the bigger-is-better film scoring sensibilities that defined Hollywood in the mid-'90s -- with its bombastic electronics, relentless bass, and blast-furnace eruptions of dissonance, the music is an overwhelming sensory experience, and virtually impossible to absorb over the course of a single sitting. Too many cooks spoil the broth here -- with so many contrasting compositional approaches in the mix, the music is a disjointed mess, and thematic unity is nothing more than an afterthought. You thought breaking out of Alcatraz was difficult? Try listening to this tripe.


The Rock (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)(勇闯夺命岛)专辑歌曲

disc 1
