由Children of Bodom(死神之子)的键盘手Janne Warman(中)领军的Warmen是力量旋律金属界中的又一只超强劲旅!古典悠扬的旋律融合在磅礴的曲式中!
Janne Warman(珍妮瓦曼)为芬兰首席金属键盘手,素有琴邪和第一快手之称,在其俊俏的外表之下,亦弹得一手好琴,黑白琴键在其灵巧的双手舞弄之下变化万千,深厚的古典造诣融合巧妙的融入金属乐中,可说是惟妙惟肖。2000年第一张个人专辑《Unknown Soldier》获得好评,2002年趁胜追击推出第二张个人专辑《Beyond Abilities》,两张个人作品摇滚乐界均给予高度肯定。2005年再度出击,最新力作《Accept The Fact》继续畅游速度与旋律架构的海洋!Janne Warman堪称为当今重金属乐坛上一大奇葩,他被票选为芬兰最佳键盘手,绝对当之无愧。
Warmen is the cleverly titled project from keyboardist Janne Warman and guitarist Antti Warman. Performing complicated metal instrumentals along with regular songs with a revolving door of guest vocalists, this project is one of the more complex items to come out of the metal underground. The instrumentals are very striking; the opening title track sounds like a video game soundtrack with its precise and powerful phrasing. The amazing guitar playing from Antti is really top-notch, and the songs create incredible textures behind him to really accent his abilities. The songs with vocalists are varied; songs like "Hidden" bring to mind Deep Purple with that band's dark melodies and cold organ parts, while elsewhere Warmen covers Heart's "Alone" with all the power and bombast of the original. Singer Kimberly Gross makes the best impression of all the guest vocalists, although Timo Kotipetto and Pasi Nykanen also deliver solid performances. But Gross' voice fits the material the most, making her two songs a real treat. This is actually a very tight album, and the band not only plays but also writes memorable songs. Fans of progressive metal should give this a chance; there are some awe-inspiring instrumentals and catchy choruses that deserve to be heard by a larger audience.