世纪复合 摇滚传奇 实至名归
★5座葛莱美/2座全英音乐奖/摇滚名人堂 睽违23年的世纪复合★
★CD:一次收录全美8周冠军“Every Breath You Take”、电影红磨坊原曲“Roxanne”、“Message In A Bottle”、“Don’t Stand So Close To Me”等多首经典★
史汀数年前在接受电台访问时曾不讳言的说:「警察合唱团复合的想法太疯狂」。但谁也没料到,解散近四分之一个世纪的警察合唱团THE POLICE,三位曾经水火不容、拳脚相向的团员,史汀(Sting)、安迪桑玛(Andy Summer)与史都华柯普兰(Stewart Copeland),竟会站在2007年葛莱美奖颁奖典礼的舞台上,向全球宣告THE POLICE重返乐坛的消息!而他们同步展开的成军30周年世界巡回演唱会,创下超过1亿6000万美金的惊人票房,不但稳坐2007年北美演唱会票房的总冠军,更挤进演唱会史上票房收入的前三名!这场警察合唱团的世纪复合演唱会,终于催生出【实至名归 CD+DVD超级精选】,让歌迷立体声体验警察合唱团的不朽经典。
以史汀为首,叱咤80年代摇滚乐坛的警察合唱团,成军仅短短7年,却拿下5座葛莱美和两座全英音乐奖,名列「摇滚名人堂」,在全球缔造超过5000万张唱片销量。史汀,史都华柯普兰,安迪桑玛,这3个音乐人在庞克声浪席卷乐坛的1970年代末期组成警察合唱团,他们将庞克乐的狂放与冲劲,雷鬼摇摆乐的热情与活力,爵士乐的潇洒与随性巧妙揉合,改变了流行摇滚乐的面貌。1977年成军的警察合唱团,以『Reggatta de Blanc』、『Zenyatta Mondatta』、『Ghost In The Machine』、『Synchronicity』4张专辑,连续勇夺英国金榜冠军王座。THE POLICE重新定义了流行摇滚乐的价值,媒体推崇为「1980年代新浪潮音乐最具冒险性格的先锋」,可说是实至名归。
警察合唱团一复合就不断创下惊人纪录,历时14个月的全球巡回演唱会,共唱遍5大洲,吸引了370万观众,媒体更是佳评不断夸赞他们宝刀未老。这套超值的CD+DVD现场精选大碟【Certifiable】,精彩收录了THE POLICE在2007年12月,于阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯的演唱会实况,整场演出彷若是警察合唱团的畅销金曲回顾大秀。CD一次收录了包括"Every Breath You Take"[*蝉联全美热门单曲榜8周冠军]、"Message In A Bottle"、"Don’t Stand So Close To Me"、"Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic"、"Walking On The Moon"等5首英国金榜冠军曲,全美主流摇滚榜5周冠军曲"King Of Pain",电影「红磨坊」插曲"Roxanne"等多首英美排行单曲。专辑中加赠的BONUS DVD,更将阿根廷演唱会现场长达109分钟的感动,透过画面完整的呈现在您面前,超值珍藏,仅此一次。
Certifiable: Live in Buenos Aires is a live album and concert video by The Police. It was recorded in December 2007 and was released in November 2008. The album was released in the US exclusively through Best Buy. The album has a number of releases including a four disc version containing two CDs and two DVDs. The two CDs contain the live album from River Plate Stadium in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The first DVD contains the 109-minute wide-screen concert presented in Dolby Surround and Stereo. The concert film was directed and produced by Jim Gable and Ann Kim, of Graying & Balding, Inc. The second DVD contains the 50-minute bonus feature, "Better Than Therapy," directed by Stewart Copeland's son Jordan Copeland, detailing The Police's reunion with behind-the-scenes interviews from the band and road crew, plus two photo galleries of The Police on tour: one shot by guitarist and photographer Andy Summers, and one by photographer Danny Clinch. The DVDs were also released on Blu-ray format. A triple vinyl format was also released that contained a digital download of the concert.