Wait For Me


Wait For Me专辑介绍

While listening to filmmaker David Lynch speak at the BAFTA Awards in February 2008, Moby had an epiphany. Lynch's message- creativity for its own sake is a beautiful, wonderful thing- was a simple one, but it hit Moby with the force of the Zen master's cane. "At that moment, I decided to just make records that were more personal," says Moby, "maybe more experimental, and a little more challenging, maybe not as easy to like, but things that I found to be artistically and creatively more satifying. That was the idea behind making the new album."

The album resulting from this epiphany, Wait For Me, is a radical departure from Moby's recent albums- last year's paean to the dance floor, Last Night, 2008's flirtation with modern rock, Hotel, the shimmering ambience of 2002's 18, and the zeitgeist-defining melancholy electronica of 1999's Play. Liberated from the pressures of trying to please himself at the same time as the industry, in making Wait For Me Moby decided to forego the expensive studios, state-of-the-art equipment, big name guest artists, and phalanxes of graphic designers and image consultants that have characterized some of his previous albums. "There's something so relaxing about doing everything yourself, and not trying to second-guess the market," Moby says. "It's nice to try to do things for the right reasons- just make a record because you want to make a record."


Wait For Me专辑歌曲

disc 1
disc 2
