Au cœur du stade(席琳迪翁巴黎演唱会)

艺人:Celine Dion
唱片公司:Sony Music, Columbia

Au cœur du stade专辑介绍

1999年2月24日,在第41届葛莱美音乐奖颁奖典礼上,Celine Dion不仅再度以她所演唱的“铁达尼号”电影主题曲「My Heart Will Go On」,拿下“最佳流行女歌手”“年度最佳唱片”双项大奖,将其个人所获得的葛莱美奖座数量累积至5座,还与「My Heart Will Go On」的词曲作者James Horner分享了 “年度最佳歌曲”“最佳电影主题曲”两项大奖的荣耀。


此张以法语作品为主的现场演唱会实况精选专辑,所收录的作品皆是现场收音自Celine于1998年9月发行其“S’il Suffisait D’aimer爱已足够”法语专辑后,所举办的世界巡迴演唱会。精选出的现场演唱曲目,除了包括有法国音乐界教父Jean Jacques Goldman担任前奏演奏的「S’il Suffisait D’aimer」 …等,“S’il Suffisait D’aimer爱已足够”专辑中的多首精彩之作外,还有其创下史上法语专辑销量最高纪录之专辑“The French Album (D’eux)”中的两首多週冠军单曲「Pour Que Tu M’aimes Encore」「Je Sais Pas」…等历年的法语演唱经典佳作。

再加上改编自黄莺莺的「让爱自由」的法语原曲、也是Jean Jacques Goldman旧作的「Let’s Talk About Love」,以及四座葛莱美音乐奖光环环身的「My Heart Will Go On」这两首英语作品,精彩可期!

by Jose F. Promis

Celine Dion's Au Coeur Du Stade is her third French-language live import album, and it was released at the height of her "titanic" superstardom. Previous to this album, she had enjoyed unparalleled success with her theme from Titanic, "My Heart Will Go On" (which is included as the album's closer), as well as with her blockbuster albums Falling Into You and Let's Talk About Love and their respective hit singles. However, only two English-language songs appear on this album, the aforementioned "My Heart Will Go On" and "Let's Talk About Love" -- the rest of the album, including the live banter, is all in French. Judging from the audience reactions, "Je Sais Pas" and "Ziggy" must have been very well-known songs. It's quite telling to hear a mass of people sing along to "Ziggy," which is virtually unknown to American audiences. This album ultimately serves to showcase a different Celine Dion than the one American audiences have come to know. Her previous live album, Live A Paris, was more of a rock-leaning outing; this one balances adult-oriented fare ("S'il Suffisait d'Aimer," "Pour Que Tu M'aimes Encore") with straight-ahead rock/pop songs ("Terre," "Dans un Autre Monde," "J'irai Ou Tu Iras"). Track nine, the "Medley Acoustique," is not really a medley, but five different songs, each of which could have stood alone as its own track, especially "Ziggy," which clocks in at almost four minutes. Most of the songs on this album are live versions of tunes originally on her S'il Suffisait d'Aimer album, which was released in the U.S. This is, as is usually the case with her live albums, a satisfying effort, and a must for fans and collectors of this singer's music.


Au cœur du stade专辑歌曲

disc 1
