The Sickness


The Sickness专辑介绍

被Ozzy Osbourne赞誉为『The Future Of Metal』的芝加哥乐团首张专辑
英国权威摇滚杂志 Kerrang!五颗星满分高评
收录全美摇滚榜Top 5单曲"Stupify"、"Voices"、"Down With The Sickness"及重新诠释Tears For Fears的冠军经典"Shout"
很抱歉,这张让全台摇滚饕客垂涎许久的正点佳肴终于正式端出,好请久候的乐迷们大快朵颐一番!聚集摇滚金属,饶舌等强悍乐风,皆在这组来自芝加哥Nu-Metal新团Disturbed中展露无遗!自90年代中后期,挥舞着此一狂放能量旗帜的乐团,就如狂洪决堤般的迅速漫延至整个摇滚版图,更开启了摇滚乐的全新视野,而这些令众摇滚迷所膜拜的代表团体就在Disturbed的正式入侵,将会再次成为吃惯重口味的你疯狂追逐的焦点。Dan Donegan(吉他手),Mike Wengren(鼓手)及Fuzz(贝斯手)这三位交往许久的好友,虽然在音乐上是最佳伙伴,但一直缺少个适合的主唱人选,以致组团的心愿就一直悬在那裡,直到一位前来试唱的傢伙,一进来就要求"一块来段即兴演奏吧!"就这样David Draiman震射到了他们,也顺利成为主唱一职。

令人堕落沉沦的首张惊世大作「The Sickness」是Disturbed要你一听就深陷其中并爱不释手的正点摇滚巨作。製作及溷音方面请到了摇滚製作新秀Johnny K (No One、霹雳娇娃原声带)与Andy Wallace(Staind、Linkin Park、Limp Bizkit)的协助!当你按下Play键,首先传入耳际是光头大汉David藉由"Voices"一曲让他的愤怒不满一倾而出,让你全身的鸡皮疙瘩开始掉满地;呛辣够劲的"Stupify"则对于家庭暴力及压迫有着深刻的着墨,这首排行Top 5便成了Disturbed一鸣惊人之作。"Down With The Sickness"在David嘶声冽吼下,再次披露出家庭暴力的严重性,尤其中段口白部份,David由原先是惨糟毒打可怜孩子的痛苦哀求,转为愤怒反抗的咒骂语词;"Droppin’ Plates"则是对不支持他的亲人,取笑他的朋友们做一沉重且强烈的反击;重新诠释Tears For Fears的冠军经典"Shout"更是散发出一股令人亢奋的High感!

by Steve Huey

Alternative metal exploded during the late '90s thanks to groundwork laid by groups like Nine Inch Nails, White Zombie, and Rage Against the Machine, and as record companies scrambled to find the next Korn or Limp Bizkit, the genre became clogged with legions of similar-sounding bands, all trying to find just the right blend of low, heavy guitar riffs, rap-metal, industrial, and intense aggression. Often, those attempts could result in sounds that seemed too calculated and self-consciously cobbled together to feel natural; plus, inventive production was frequently employed to disguise many songs' lack of memorable hooks. The Sickness, the first entry by Chicago's Disturbed in the alt-metal sweepstakes, thankfully avoids those common pitfalls, turning in a mixture of raw, gut-level metal and industrial/electronic backing that feels logical and integrated. Although the music has its fair share of pummeling aggression and accompanying shouted vocals, Disturbed also isn't afraid to employ melody, and they're actually quite good at it when they choose that direction. Occasional forays into rap-metal aren't really the group's strong suit and can feel a bit awkward, although they do have a certain rhythmic acuity missing from some similar bands' attempts. But even if it has a few less-than-compelling moments, The Sickness overall comes off as the work of a band who really doesn't have far to go to achieve total control of its sound and compositional skills, and that makes it a terrific debut album.


The Sickness专辑歌曲

disc 1
disc 2
