每次聆听Neil Zaza的《凝日》专辑都会被其中浓郁的爱情色彩所打动,不光是因为他娴熟的吉他技巧更多的是他音乐特有的旋律美。我猜想 Neil Zaza肯定是位非常重视感情的人,否则他不会写出如此流畅凄美的旋律。
I Spy以Big Band的形式展开,全曲彷佛身手矫健的间谍一般,充满了惊人的吉他速弹。Lift也是一首情感洋溢的中板演奏曲。Lost In Your Dream以柔和的钢琴导入,再加上Neil独特的吉他音色,交织着弦乐与钢琴,让人融入像梦一般的乐章之中。Zen, Karma And Other Good Thing带有中东的色彩,全曲以阿拉伯音阶点缀,并加上了祭典般的吟唱,让人觉得彷佛是来到了古埃及一般。The Wonder Of You就像是妳的容颜一般,全曲甜蜜动人。New, New Math有节奏蓝调的味道,并加入Funk的节奏,当然少不了精湛的扭弦和推弦。Rain以数声钟音导入,之后钢琴与电吉他相互的交织,就像是雨水一般,深深的打动每个听到这首歌的灵魂。Every Thought Of You以空心吉他分散和弦,交织着强而有力的主旋律,描绘出对妳的每一分思念。Baking@350degrees是一首带有浓厚蓝调味道的中板电吉他独奏曲。Fargo利用了Slide的滑奏技巧,曲中多利安音阶和蓝调音阶并进,是首带有少许贝多芬风味的典型摇滚演奏曲。Angel一曲,彷佛是来自天堂的乐章,以感人的钢琴旋律展开前奏,再加上有如天使一般的吉他旋律,让人听了心情随着乐曲起伏,久久无法平息。Definition是首以旋律和技巧取胜的中板演奏曲,扫弦(Sweep)和摇杆(Whammy Bar)的技巧在曲中不断的出现。Purple Rain以柔和的弦乐导入,Neil的重新改编,把这首Prince的经典名作诠释的青出于蓝而胜于蓝。
值得一提的是,这张专辑找了多位重量级的摇滚巨匠前来跨刀,有Stuart Hamm、Steve Smith(Journey)、Ross Valory(Journey)、Timothy M. Bradford、Robin Dimaggio、Michael Lee Firkins,对于摇滚迷和乐手们,这张唱片是绝对要仔细聆听并收藏的一张经典钜作。
by Gary Hill
Neil Zaza comes from the school of Steve Vai and Joe Satriani. The thing is, he has learned his lesson well enough to bring into question who should be the teacher and who the student. Indeed, Zaza's sound encompasses that classic rock textured guitar instrumental type of music. It does, however, seem to have an energy and enthusiasm that are sometimes missing from the aforementioned guitarists' work. It has all the technical skill, but with a wonderful taste and fire that are sometimes lacking in the music of Vai and Satriani. Zaza is not tied to just those two guitarists for inspiration, though; from time to time you might hear sounds that call to mind musicians such as Edgar Winter, Steve Howe, and Carlos Santana. Add to that mix the killer Journey rhythm section of Steve Smith and Ross Valory and you can really see what makes this disc such a special work. Among the highlights of the CD is a wonderful take on Prince's "Purple Rain," with the guitar taking the vocal line on this instrumental arrangement. If your taste runs to guitar heroes, do yourself a favor and check this one out. You will be pleased.