Catch The Spirit II

艺人:Jacques Stotzem
唱片公司:Acoustic Music

Catch The Spirit II专辑介绍

And hes done it again: four years after the surprising (charts) success of "Catch The Spirit", acoustic guitar virtuoso Jacques Stotzem now presents brilliant solo adaptations of rock classics from the Stones to Nirvana, from Neil Young to Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Jackson Browne and Ry Cooder.

Astoundingly multi-facetted and with an incredible drive on just six strings, with contagious delight in playing and loving attention to details in the arrangements, the Belgian convinces listeners not only in his rocky, upbeat firecrackers but also in his lyrical ballades and titles in which he effortlessly lets their Delta Blues roots shine through.


Catch The Spirit II专辑歌曲

disc 1
