I Don't Want To Change You

艺人:Damien Rice
唱片公司:Atlantic Records UK

I Don't Want To Change You专辑介绍

爱尔兰民谣唱作人Damien Rice时隔八年的新作将在11月发行,继同名曲《My Favourite Faded Fantasy》后,官方主打单曲《I Don't Want To Change You》也已火热出炉。

“My Favourite Faded Fantasy,” the title track from Damien Rice’s first album in eight years, promised an epic scope and artful arrangements. “I Don’t Want To Change You,” the album’s first official single, affirms that the Rick Rubin-produced project will shoot for the moon. It’s exactly the sort of earnest, emotional ballad Rice made his name on, yet it somehow seems more dignified that the bleeding-heart outpourings of his youth, as if he’s finding strength in the midst of his fragility.


I Don't Want To Change You专辑歌曲

disc 1
