Fires at Midnight

艺人:Blackmore's Night

Fires at Midnight专辑介绍

享受如梦似幻的歌声 富有文艺复兴浪漫情怀
聆赏中世纪民谣曲风 编织如诗如梦音乐诗篇


瑞奇布莱克摩尔是摇滚巨擘Deep Purple与Rainbow的创始者,他对于摇滚乐与吉他界均有重大的贡献。今日,他以个人喜爱的欧洲中世纪民谣以及文艺复兴色彩的音乐,偕同拥有天籁般音嗓的妻子Candice Night,携手带来这张如诗如梦的音乐诗篇。清脆的acoustic guitar与甜美的vocal,共筑出一个人人心中想望的梦幻天堂。现在就跟着充满异国情调的歌声及舞步,忘了那些佣人俗事吧!让我们乘着魔毯一同共游这个最美丽的音乐国度。

by Glenn Astarita

One of hard rock's most influential guitarists has opted for the cultural upheaval and regality of the Renaissance era, as Ritchie Blackmore and vocalist Candice Night spearhead a band who abides by a hearty cross-pollination of English folk, 16th century melodies, and progressive rock. Here, Blackmore injects tasteful electric lead lines into a mix consisting of buoyantly executed rhythmic structures and Ms. Knight's whispery, and at times, satiny vocalizations. Thus, Blackmore's Night proclaims a festive atmosphere throughout these 16 pieces, while the band's charming rendition of Bob Dylan's "The Times They Are a Changin'" might represent the lone deviation from the grand scheme of things to coincide with this ensemble's altogether cheery demeanor and novel approach. Moreover, for those expecting to hear Blackmore ravage his electric with his now-infamous high-octane, blues-drenched power chords and doomsday chops, forget it. With this release, subtly, finesse, and nuance reign supreme amid a series of persuasive works that cover quite a bit of fertile terrain.


Fires at Midnight专辑歌曲

disc 1
