You Gotta Go There to Come Back


You Gotta Go There to Come Back专辑介绍


2001年底,唱片公司决定将乐团未收录于先前发行第三张专辑《Just Enough Education To Perform》里的新单曲《Handbags And Gladrags》(手提袋与礼服,此曲乃翻唱英国摇滚前辈洛·史都华(Rod Steward)于1970年个人第一张专辑里的经典歌曲),以改版重新发行的方式,特别将这首象征两个英国摇滚世代交替的重要歌曲,破格收录于本张大碟当中。不但单曲成绩优异,发行不到三周随即突破二十万张;改版后的专辑,更成为英国乐迷争相收购的经典。在专辑发行的第39周时,竟再度摘下英国专辑金榜桂冠、之后又连续三周(共计五周)盘踞榜首!在英国的流行音乐史上,同一张专辑能在发行后相隔近十个月两度获得金榜的冠军认证,这样的惊奇,相信已是鲜少同期的艺人乐团,能够成就的了!

《You Gotta Go There To Come Back》展现英伦摇滚真正救世主无与伦比、所向批靡的摇滚音乐霸气!2002年夏天,三位团员凯利·琼斯(Kelly Jones,主唱兼吉他手)、史陶特·凯博(Stuart Cable,鼓手)与理查·琼斯(Richard Jones,贝斯手)拒绝了所有唱片公司提供的录音资源,跑回威尔斯老家史陶特的车库里构思新专辑的音乐概念。

“《You Gotta Go There To Come Back》专辑就是要大家从首首乐曲的境地里重新体验生活!我们犯错、经历好与坏的事物并且从中学习成长、从自我里去面对自己,试着当个错事不做第二次的人。拳王阿里这样说过:‘如果一个人活到六十岁还觉得自己跟三十岁的时候没什两样,那就真白活三十年了!’所以我们希望透过这张自觉是出道以来最棒的专辑去除掉那些成名过程中累积的浮华虚荣、回到威尔斯家乡重新感受摇滚音乐之于我们开始创作时的初衷。幸运地我们三人就像是回到年少时的自己般被一次次的配歌与练唱感动;所以在这张专辑里听者可以感受到最喧嚣的我们、最真诚的我们、以及最没有修饰的我们!听《You Gotta Go There To Come Back》专辑就是最直接体验去芜存菁后最棒的立体音响乐团!”主唱凯利琼斯如是说!

拥有单张专辑英国当地销售突破两百万张(7白金)辉煌成绩、98年全英音乐奖年度最佳新人大奖得主、英伦摇滚最不遑多让的超级救世主乐团;《You Gotta Go There To Come Back》震撼展现立体音响乐团由全英音乐传媒册封‘英伦国民摇滚乐团’伟大名号之炉火纯青摇滚音乐实力!

Stereophonics frontman Kelly Jones was still licking some serious wounds due to the breakup of his 12-year relationship with his girlfriend and a fallout with a best mate. The band's 2001 release, Just Enough Education to Perform, briefly touched upon his broken heart; however, Jones' darkest period came later as the band played countless sold-out gigs across Europe throughout late 2001 and 2002. Jones found himself personally and professionally isolated -- emotionally distant from his bandmates and best friends, drummer Stuart Cable and bassist Richard Jones, and creatively exhausted. However the fire that had made this band a major force in the post-grunge English rock scene still burned. Stereophonics' fourth album, You Gotta Go There to Come Back captures Jones' soulful journey, and the band's classic rowdy rock style is as sultry as ever. While their three previous albums exuded cockiness just for the sake of being cocky, You Gotta Go There to Come Back doesn't care to be so snide. Sure, the band's classic swagger remains an integral part of its overall appeal, but moving beyond that silly behavior has somehow affected Jones and his band. Cable became a father during the recording of this album while Richard Jones settled down and got married. Perhaps Jones craves a bit of stability as well? His confidence is on par throughout these 13 blues-rock-tinged songs as his life unfolds through words. "Jealousy" and "You Stole My Money Honey" are the album's more vexed moments. "Climbing the Wall," layered in acoustic guitars and horn and string arrangements, and "Nothing Is Precious at All" continue Stereophonics' psychological sifting with warmth. "Madame Helga" is the punch in the face Jones has been waiting to deliver. Heart-pounding musicianship from the band itself makes this swanky gospel number an album standout and a career staple. It's a song that Stereophonics have been wanting to make for years, and the overall fierce presentation finds the band at its best. Stereophonics are consistent with their craft, and You Gotta Go There to Come Back highlights the band's growing talent as musicians, but the fact is that they've only made good records up to this point. They have yet to make a really great record, but that's not to say Stereophonics don't have what it takes. You Gotta Go There to Come Back is a solid rock effort, and in due time, the band will have its epic.


You Gotta Go There to Come Back专辑歌曲

disc 1
disc 1
