Love Lust Faith + Dreams(Love, Lust, Faith and Dreams)(Love, Lust, Faith and Dreams)

艺人:30 Seconds to Mars

Love Lust Faith + Dreams(Love, Lust, Faith and Dreams)专辑介绍

*与美国太空总署NASA合作,推出史无前例外太空首播单曲"Up In The Air"

以好莱坞双栖影星Jared Leto(*主唱/旋律吉他/歌曲创作)与哥哥Shannon Leto(鼓/打击乐器)为核心的摇滚乐团THIRTY SECONDS TO MARS组成于1998年,现任团员还包括2003年加入的Tomo Mili?evi?(*主奏吉他/键盘)。自闯荡摇滚丛林以来,全球专辑销售突破500万张,音乐录影带在YouTube网站总计吸引超过3亿浏览人次,作品荣获12座来自美国、欧洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲的MTV音乐奖,他们的摇滚魅力让人深陷着迷,真的只要30秒!现在,睽违将近4年的2013年大碟【LOVE LUST FAITH + DREAMS】将挑战摇滚乐全新视野!

深受科幻小说「Dune」启发,融合前卫摇滚、重金属摇滚、西雅图grunge摇滚风格的2002年首张同名专辑『30 Seconds To Mars』,邀请制作过Pink Floyd经典专辑「The Wall」的制作人Bob Ezrin合作,登上全美热门潜力专辑榜冠军;改走post-hardcore风格的2005年专辑『A Beautiful Lie』,辑中单曲"From Yesterday"、"The Kill"分别抢占全美现代摇滚榜冠军与第3名,"The Kill"还写下在全美现代摇滚乐电台点播榜停留超过50周的历史新纪录,"From Yesterday"则是首支前往中国拍摄的音乐录影带,而同名单曲"A Beautiful Lie"的音乐录影带更远征北极圈以北两百英里的边陲荒地拍摄。2009年岁末发行第三张专辑『This Is War』,「另类报」盛赞为「艺术上的成功之作」,美国MTV网站形容为「闪耀光彩的史诗大作」,专辑连推两首勇夺全美另类单曲榜冠军作"This Is War"、"Kings And Queens",以及另类单曲榜第7名畅销曲"Closer To The Edge"。专辑『This Is War』发行后所进行的「Into The Wild」世界巡回演唱会,足迹踏遍六大洲、近60个国家,举行311场演唱会,吸引300万名乐迷共襄盛举,这次巡演也创下「摇滚乐团巡演最长时间」的金氏世界纪录。

2013年3月1日,THIRTY SECONDS TO MARS与美国太空总署NASA合作,将【LOVE LUST FAITH + DREAMS】专辑首支单曲"Up In The Air"的第一张成品,随着加州知名太空探索技术公司SpaceX开发的运输型太空船「Dragon/天龙号」所进行的运输任务运送至太空站,然后3月3日交由离地球230英里远运行轨道上的太空人进行史无前例的外太空首播壮举。【LOVE LUST FAITH + DREAMS】是THIRTY SECONDS TO MARS环游欧洲、印度与美国加州等地进行歌曲创作与录制的专辑,封面选用英国艺术家Damien Hirst享誉全球的圆点画系列中标题为「Isonicotinic Acid Ethyl Ester」的画作,CD片上则是选用其调色板系列中标题为「Monochromatic Sectors from Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Colour Ring, Dark Centre」的画作。专辑由乐团主脑Jared Leto担任制作,同时邀请合作过2009年专辑『This Is War』制作人Steve Lillywhite(*U2、The Rolling Stones)参与四首歌曲的制作。Jared表示:「这不只是成长,这是一个崭新的开始,就创作来说,我们踏进了一个全新的境界,一切令人亢奋、超乎预期且相当激励人心。」

by Stephen Thomas Erlewine

Elevated to the position of international stars -- if not quite globe-conquering superstars -- with their 2009 album This Is War, 30 Seconds to Mars do the smart thing for their 2013 sequel, Love Lust Faith + Dreams. They retain War co-producer Steve Lillywhite -- here co-producing with the band's lead singer/songwriter Jared Leto -- and give themselves a sleek, stylish makeover, accentuating the creeping escalation of electronics heard on This Is War and otherwise shedding whatever churning new millennial angst that lingered on the third record while retaining their emo angst and love of prog. Often, the pounding, splattering analog synthesizers bring to mind the otherworldly, trapped-in-amber futurism of the '70s -- the instrumental march "Pyres of Varanasi" expertly evokes the unsettling vistas of Wendy Carlos' soundtrack for A Clockwork Orange -- but this isn't a retro record, it's galvanized for the present, pushing its thick processed guitars, chanted choruses, and clanging keyboards to the forefront, flirting with taboos underneath its shining surface. 30 Seconds to Mars are no longer afraid to dabble with disco -- "Up in the Air" puts all four on the floor and there's an overall tendency to push big beats over hard attacks -- and this loosening of their stylistic confines results in their boldest, brightest, most imaginative record yet.


Love Lust Faith + Dreams(Love, Lust, Faith and Dreams)专辑歌曲

disc 1
