Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?

艺人:The Cranberries
唱片公司:Island Records

Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?专辑介绍

Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?》(1993)这是乐队的初试啼声,却赢得满堂喝彩,而且在比较排斥英伦摇滚的美国,也获得极大成功,乐队正式凭借单曲Linger红遍美国,而后再在英国出名的,抛开销量、另类等不谈,单说他们的音乐,是非常动听的,不但是Dolores的嗓音。更主要,我以为是他们把握住了旋律与节奏的变换,快慢相宜,英伦吉他流行曲的旋律与在当时比较少见的女主音结合,非常入耳,尤其以Linger、Dream、How为甚,美中不足的就是专辑内过多的情歌虽然增加了流行面,却削弱了爱尔兰乐队独有的音乐天分和气质。

Title aside, what the Cranberries were doing wasn't that common at the time, at least in mainstream pop terms; grunge and G-funk had done their respective big splashes via Nirvana and Dr. Dre when Everybody came out first in the U.K. and then in America some months later. Lead guitarist Noel Hogan is in many ways the true center of the band at this point, co-writing all but three songs with O'Riordan and showing an amazing economy in his playing, and having longtime Smiths/Morrissey producer Stephen Street behind the boards meant that the right blend of projection and delicacy still held sway. One can tell he likes Johnny Marr and his ability to do the job just right: check out the quick strums and blasts on "Pretty" or the concluding part of the lovely "Waltzing Back." O'Riordan herself offers up a number of romantic ponderings and considerations lyrically (as well as playing perfectly fine acoustic guitar), and her undisputed vocal ability suits the material perfectly. The two best cuts were the deserved smashes: "Dreams," a brisk, charging number combining low-key tension and full-on rock, and the melancholic, string-swept break-up song "Linger." If Everybody is in the end a derivative pleasure -- and O'Riordan's vocal acrobatics would never again be so relatively calm in comparison -- a pleasure it remains nonetheless, the work of a young band creating a fine little synthesis.


Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?专辑歌曲

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