
艺人:Christina Aguilera


  MTV“音乐界22位绝佳优嗓(前五名)”、滚石杂志“史上百位伟大歌手”行列中唯一年纪低于30岁的Christina,于1999年发行首张处女秀 《Christina Aguilera》,入列摇滚荣誉殿堂“200张概念明确专辑”、告示牌“2000年代热门200张专辑”名单,抱走格莱美“最佳新人”肯定。第二张大碟 《裸Stripped》,力求突破的全面摇滚解放,抢下第一座格莱美“最佳流行女歌手”大奖加冕。2006年的《天生歌姬Back To Basic》,第二座葛莱美“最佳流行女歌手”得意入手!西班牙文专辑《Mi Reflejo》,不仅戴上世界音乐奖“全球最畅销拉丁女艺人”后冠,更成为首位美国艺人拿下拉丁格莱美的至高荣耀。
  久违四年的全新录音室大碟《Bionic》,化身前卫高科技的未来女神形象,敲打出时髦的电气声响,Christina毫无畏惧的挑战自我,引领音乐新潮流的突破再升级!把玩Electro-Pop的第一主打“Not Myself Tonight”,狂野满点的揪出内心小恶魔,随乐放肆摇摆热舞,交付亚瑟小子、小野猫幕后金手Polow da Don操刀,快速挺入全美电台新歌点播冠军、流行+舞曲榜Top30之林;奥斯卡+格莱美+水星音乐奖提名、时代杂志“全球百大影响力人物”的M.I.A.跨刀“Elastic Love”,张牙舞爪的吞噬Synth-Pop和Raggae律动;格莱美加持的Tricky Stewart(惠妮休斯顿、玛丽亚凯莉)掌舵“Desnudate”,替换英、西语文诠释,灌入拉丁式的热情频率,血脉喷张的闪耀异色世界性感线条;最具个性的Linda Perry(席琳狄翁、红粉佳人)量身订作抒情动容曲目“Lift Me Up”,辅以弦乐悠扬伴衬,打造Christina的美声极品;19秒的“My Heart”录下老公和宝贝儿子可爱对话;找来曾列入滚石杂志“年度十大注目焦点”之一的才女Sia合力撰写“All I Need”、“You Lost Me”等小品,柔美琴韵穿绕回荡,触碰都会男女情爱分合的苦痛与喜悦各层面,激起片片感同身受的涟漪;“I Hate Boys”、电子摇滚暴力女王Peaches帮腔之“My Girls”,都是女性意识抬头的主题歌。

Already during the Asian leg of the Back to Basics Tour in Summer of 2007, Aguilera said that her upcoming album will be "short, sweet and completely different" from her previous long player Back to Basics. After the birth of her son, Christina stated in an interview with Ryan Seacrest that her forthcoming album will include a totally new aspect of herself as an artist, because of the pregnancy with her son.Aguilera has stated in the past that she takes her time between each record in order to enjoy and experience life so that musically and artistically she produces the best material.

On her official website, Aguilera revealed: "Working on this album with so many talented artists and producers that I admire was really an amazing experience. The artists I chose to work with added so many unique sonic layers to Bionic. My intention was to step into their world and what they do combined with my own vision and sound. The results were magic."

Aguilera describes the album as a unique mix of many genres and styles of music: "I was able to explore and create a fresh, sexy feel using both electronic and organic elements with subject matter ranging from playful to introspective. I am so excited for my fans to hear the new sound. It is something I don't think anyone will expect."

Aguilera posted a personal message on her official website to her fans on April 7, 2010 talking about the album:

“ Each album I release is a representation of my personal life experiences and how they have shaped me. ... Over the past four years I have learned a lot about myself and what I am capable of. ... Since the release of my last studio album, Back to Basics, I have become a mother, a wife, and most recently an actress. All of these new experiences have allowed me to face new challenges and explore different sides of myself I did not even know existed. ... This album was put together to capture all of these characteristics [therefore] I chose to collaborate with a variety of artists and producers across different musical genres. I was able to explore and create a fresh, sexy feel using both electronic and organic elements with subject matters ranging from playful to introspective. This allowed me to challenge myself by using my voice in ways I never had before. It also allowed me to push personal boundaries and explore what is possible for my future and me as an artist.



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