Dust Lane

艺人:Yann Tiersen

Dust Lane专辑介绍

Yann Tierson出生在法国西北部的布勒斯特,自小便表现出对音乐的强烈兴趣,先后游走南特与布隆的音乐学院学习小提琴钢琴与管弦乐团管理,并涉猎电子乐摇滚乐与香颂,多元的音乐冲击最早呈现在他早期的剧场与电影短片的配乐上。95年发表首张专辑《La Valse Des Monstres(野兽的华尔兹)》后,既浪漫又愉悦的音乐风格,乐评开始把他和Nino Rota Erik Satie Penguin Cafe Orchestra等相提并论;96年第2张专辑《Rue Des Dascades(水瀑之路)》受到歌剧影响下的创作风格;第3张回到他创作根源Brittany,风格益加成熟,la rupture放入甜蜜爱丽丝,到2001年的《L'absente(缺席者)》成功的从一名极限风格的演奏者延伸到乐团指挥,甚至开始跨界涉足演员与导演的领域。

  在Yann Tierson的音乐里,乐器不分大小,从弦乐到管乐,都展现出最美丽的一面。这位来自布勒斯特的作曲家摒弃刻板制式的乐理结构,而营造出轻快又纤弱的音乐性,《La Rupture》一曲即是最好的例子。《Le Phare》吐露出一股源自他方的气息,《L'Arrivee sur l'ile》、《Le Fromveur》两曲散发出海风拂面、神清气爽的岛国情怀。Yann Tierson将自我流放到乌松岛,在明亮而多彩的声音中,Yann Tierson依旧展现了不同地域的异国风味,从华丽丰润的情歌,到融合爱尔兰民谣与波兰舞曲的《La Dispute》,小提琴完美结合了大键琴、手风琴、曼陀铃,油然而生的,是诗意。

  继声名大噪的《Le Phare(灯塔)》专辑后,Yann Tierson推出风格迥异的第4张作品《Tout Est Calme(一切平静)》。迥异点在于:他舍弃多种乐器层次堆栈,这次将音乐回归极微,由Yann Tierson自己或念或唱、吟咏一些抒发生活感受的词句。与以往不同的地方还有:Yann Tierson邀请乐界好友,Miossec小提琴手Married Monk及Dominique A吉他手Olivier Mellano都热情跨刀相助。于是,这次他的音乐时而激涌如沸水,诸如《La Crise》、《Tout est calme》、《La Pharmacie》等几曲,摆荡在贝斯、吉他、键盘、打击乐之间,多了分摇滚味。
Produced by Yann Tiersen and mixed by Ken Thomas (Sigur Rós, M83, Moby), Dust Lane sees Tiersen incorporate vintage electronic sounds and textures into his music for an album he describes as "a journey on the dusty lane that leads us to death. Not a sad thing, but like a colourful, sometimes painful, but mostly joyful experience: life!".
The album was two years in the making and was largely recorded at Everything's Calm Studio I in Ushant with further parts recorded at Studio II in Paris and in the Philippines. It was mixed at The Chairworks in Morrison Street, Castleford, near Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, mastered at AIR Studios in London. Dust Lane, which took its title partly from the image of the dirt road going into Gaza, is permeated with the theme of mortality. During the recording sessions Tiersen lost his mother and a close friend. The recordings started out as simple song based tracks with Tiersen playing acoustic guitar, mandolin and bouzouki. New layers were added to the recordings creating a more complex sound. Then an array of vintage synthesisers and electric guitars were added to create further textures.[4] The album was released through Mute Records in Europe and ANTI- Records in North America on 11 October 2010 in CD and LP formats. The record was promoted by a tour that started from New York in October 2010.


Dust Lane专辑歌曲

disc 1
