


兼任主唱/吉他手,还能把玩鼓/贝斯/钢琴/口琴/单簧管的灵魂支柱Rivers Cuomo,93年伙同贝斯手Matt Sharp(2001年换上Scott Shriner)与鼓手Patrick Wilson正式成立Weezer,至今全球专辑销售已累积突破千万门坎,代表了90年代另类摇滚之声。初出道便在Grunge、Metal、Punk风潮交替中拔得头筹,赢取推崇的掌声与喝采。曾跌破眼镜与瑞奇马汀、小甜甜布兰妮争奇斗艳的为百事可乐代言,可见他们在新世代乐迷心中占了极大份量。
1996年发行的作品【Pinkerton】,是贝斯手Matt Sharp最后一次的效力,登记美国告示牌Top19位置,拿下滚石杂志+AMG网站+Pitchfork的满分大赏,入籍滚石杂志读者票选「史上百大经典专辑」第16名+Spin「1985-2005年间百大专辑」#61、Pitchfork「90年代百大专辑」NO.53、吉他世界「史上百张顶尖吉他专辑」Top76、AP杂志「1996年不朽专辑」名单。此回推出超值2CD版本,除了原始曲目外,追加演出实况+独家混音+原汁原味DEMO版本,是收藏家不可或缺的必备盘。

pinkerton is the second studio album by American alternative rock band Weezer, released on September 24, 1996 on DGC Records. After abandoning plans for a rock opera titled Songs from the Black Hole, Weezer recorded Pinkerton between songwriter Rivers Cuomo's terms at Harvard University, where he wrote much of the album.
To better capture their live sound, Weezer produced Pinkerton themselves, creating a darker, more abrasive album than their 1994 self-titled debut. Cuomo's lyrics express disillusionment with the rock lifestyle; the album is named after the character BF Pinkerton from Giacomo Puccini's 1904 opera Madame Butterfly, whom Cuomo described as an "asshole American sailor similar to a touring rock star". Like the opera, the album contains references to Japan and Japanese culture.
Pinkerton debuted at number 19 on the Billboard 200 and fell far short of sales expectations after the success of their debut. It initially received negative reviews, but went on to achieve cult status and wide acclaim years later; the 2010 "Deluxe Edition" reissue holds a perfect score on aggregate review website Metacritic. The album produced three singles: "El Scorcho", "The Good Life" and "Pink Triangle". Pinkerton was the last Weezer album to feature bassist Matt Sharp.



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