
唱片公司:Hall of Sermon




Elodia是Lacrimosa尝试将音乐步入古典领域发展的重要标志,London Symphony Orchestra,the Rosenberg Ensemble以及Hamburg State Opera在专辑中为管弦乐段落献声。Sanctus是特别明显的例证,基于基督教礼拜仪式的同名乐曲Sanctus的架构,唱诗班及Rosenberg Ensemble的唱咏支配着音乐。由于加入了Tilo的歌声以及吉他solo的乐段,它已经不完全是管弦乐作品,不过它的确为之后Lacrimosa第八张专辑Echos中的纯古典音乐作品Kyrie的出现铺平了道路。

专辑中的第五首歌 Ich Verlasse Heut' Dein Herz (今天我离开你的心)应该说是Lacrimosa最著名的一首歌,伤感压抑的歌词,配上电吉他与钢琴凄惨的对答,令人动容,催人泪下。这首歌长达5分钟的吉他与键盘Solo,在旋律中透露出的情绪,无法用语言表达。

Elodia is the sixth album by German duet Lacrimosa.

Lacrimosa describes Elodia as a concept album and a rock opera, divided into three acts. The first act describes a love that is slowly being overwhelmed; the second act describes the act of separation itself, while the third act begins with a requiem, Sanctus, before ending on a note of hope.

Elodia was an important point in the development of Lacrimosa's music into more classical areas, with the London Symphony Orchestra, the Rosenberg Ensemble and the Hamburg State Opera contributing to the orchestral side. Sanctus is a particular example of this, as it is based on the Christian liturgy of the same name, and dominated by the choral vocals of the Rosenberg Ensemble. It is not entirely an orchestral work, as it includes a section of Tilo Wolff's vocals and a guitar solo; it did, however, pave the way for the track Kyrie on Lacrimosa's eighth album Echos, which was entirely a classical work.

The song The Turning Point starts with Anne Nurmi saying a small poem in Finnish. The poem is 'Poutaiset pilvet haihtuvat. Katoan nopeasti tuulten mukana, kuin tämä uni, jossa en enää sinua tavoita' and roughly translates to 'The white clouds are fading. I disappear quickly with the winds, as this dream, in which I no longer reach you'



disc 1
disc 2
