Once in a Red Moon

艺人:Secret Garden

Once in a Red Moon专辑介绍

《Once In A Red Moon 红月》专辑延续了小提琴和钢琴在乐曲中的主导地位和对古朴叙事歌谣的表现力,再次演绎了 Secret Garden 神秘园 对古典、Celtic 凯尔特 民间音乐的融汇技巧,以及对小型管弦乐团,和声唱团的表现力控制。专辑请来了不少知名的爱尔兰 New Age 乐手,《You Raise Up Me》由“Celtic & Heartbeat”系列中《Riverdance》主音 Brian Kennedy 演唱,复古民谣团体Anuna则在《Elegie》里献声(此曲是乐队根据从网上收到的网友寄赠钢琴和弦而作)。
在音乐风格上,Secret Garden 神秘园 延续着他们宁静、质朴而优雅的格调,充满着古典主义的美感和凯尔特音乐独有的欢快和乐观;配器方面则以小提琴、钢琴以及人声作为三大支柱,配以自然优雅的木管乐器或者丰富多彩的电子合成器。
回忆,是一首不眠的歌。伴着清幽遥远的笛,淌徉在“曾经”的爱河里,你思忆朦胧。Paint The Sky With Red Moon……月光如水啊!尽浣三千群山……是什么?分隔了彼此?相对不相视的爱情匆匆而过。灯火阑珊,月色依旧如虹。等待,终究是黎明?是晨曦?又或是暗夜里,哪个痴情人……沉默而又偏执的守侯?
The global phenomenon of Secret Garden has been so far reaching that it's hard to believe the duo of Norwegian keyboardist/composer Rolf Lovland and Irish violinist Fionnuala Sherry have only recorded three previous studio albums in addition to their 2001 compilation, Dreamcatcher. Once in a Red Moon continues Secret Garden's tradition of organic storytelling melodies and straight-from-the-heart performances with a wink back to the innocence and raw simplicity of their debut. Lovland and Sherry felt that their second and third recordings, White Stones (1997) and Dawn of a New Century (1999), were conceived as larger-scale projects which would help build the scope of their live performance presentation. This time, they wanted to let the natural performance of the piano and violin be the leading force; to this end, they built their productions based on the first, original sensitive and raw takes in the demo phase. There are also some unique new elements: guest appearances by the Irish National Symphony Orchestra and RTE Concert Orchestra players performing live in the studio fronted by Sherry (five of which were scored and conducted by Steven Mercurio, musical director for Andrea Bocelli); guest vocalist Karen Matheson of Scotland (on the ethereal universal love message "The Gates of Dawn" and the dreamlike, atmospheric "Greenwaves," with lyrics by Ann Hampton Calloway, who wrote the words for the Barbra Streisand song based on another Secret Garden track); Swedish harpist Asa Jinder, who worked on Secret Garden's debut and helps define the Nordic/Celtic mix of the duo's music; and world-renowned cellist Julian Lloyd Webber, duetting with Sherry's violin on the sweetly melancholy "Duo." Once in a Red Moon also features a once-in-a-lifetime musical experiment. Via their website, the duo asked people to participate in the new album by sending them "the global C," recorded on a piano. They received piano chords from all over the world, creating a global energy of sound for the final chord of the emotional closing track, "Elegie."


Once in a Red Moon专辑歌曲

disc 1
