A Day Without Rain


A Day Without Rain专辑介绍

《A Day Without Rain》是Enya沉寂五年后,继95年《The Memory of Trees》后发表的全新专辑。

《A Day Without Rain》可说是恩雅穷毕生的音乐实力所展现的心血,单曲“Only Time”的MTV不但有媲美电影《美梦成真》的特效处理画面,恩雅更首度在MTV中有四款典雅造型出现,为了符合四季时光的情境,恩雅从春花、夏雨、秋叶、冬雪都以温柔歌声和都会风情万种地出现,连淋雨这样的镜头都在所不惜,亲自体验自然的感受,MTV果真斥资打造恩雅最美的一面,恩雅看起来更显年轻。



恩雅(Enya)的音乐是天地间最美的心灵对话,她透过《The Celts》幽静的民族情怀,《Watermark》清澄的水样音质,《Shepherd Moons》皎洁如明月的情感,《The Memory Of Trees》伫立的树林回忆, 从大地、星空、水影、明月、树丛之间投射出不朽的古老传奇,映照着爱与梦想满溢的人生,全球4400万张专辑销售,恩雅诗情美感的旋律激发了无数急需翱翔的思绪。以民谣的旋律为主,电子合成器的意境营造为辅,衬以古典音乐的思维。

2000年最新专辑《a day without rain》,在谱曲创作时纯就心情与洞察力着墨,希望藉由最深处的情感来启发听者,试着将听者的情感转化到恩雅的旋律世界,新作仍由制作人尼奇雷恩与词曲创作家萝玛雷恩这组夫妻档协力雕琢,新作并未借助计算机化乐器与众多的乐师,完全是三人亲自动手包办,营造出当今乐坛最欠缺的温暖度。

意境与感觉的均衡,让新专辑《a day without rain》依循着梦境编织、意境形成、传说寓言、心情流转、豁然体悟的罗盘,寻访感觉的驿站,同名标题曲以简单的钢琴声让所有的心情顺着眼神眺望着窗外,沉寂多时的心房重新有了新的期待,藏在脑海远程的儿时记忆就这样跟着“wild child”缓缓动了起来,一种希望与喜悦交会的感觉从记忆堆里重新拾获,美丽的爱情远走,无由的哀愁随着“only time”的歌声涌上心头,而当爱情灭绝,心泣莫名,欲盖弥彰的绝望凄情,时间竟是情感现场唯一的目击者,“flora's secret”从古老神圣的气氛里,花神悄悄捎来爱的消息,但却又在一瞬间的安魂曲式中,坠入为爱黯然神伤的心灵角落,直到非常阳光的“lazy days”扬起,全新的感觉之路无尽的开展,但愿能在恣意的梦想空间,唤醒尘封许久的记忆,还原曾有的美丽与哀愁。

Enya's first full-length album of new material in five years (and her fourth in 12 years) will have a familiar sound to the millions who have followed her career so far. As usual, the slow songs sound like "Silent Night" being performed in a cathedral, and the less slow songs are paced by rhythm patterns that would be called pizzicato passages if they were being played on real strings instead of string-like synthesizers. Over the music, Enya sings in her multi-tracked, ethereal voice, making Roma Ryan's lyrics, which are full of pastoral imagery and abstract romantic sentiments, seem even more insubstantial than they already are. In the press materials accompanying the release, Enya explains why it took her five years to come up with less than 34 and a half minutes of music that sounds like most of her earlier music by noting that she plays all the instruments and does all the singing herself without using samples. It might be more accurate to say that there is no need for her to release albums any more frequently than she does, since each one sells over a long period of time. And since her listeners are more concerned with the mood she sets than with musical content, the similarity to her other albums is a good thing. This is music that works almost entirely as a surface pleasure; strip it of its pretensions, and it's just contemporary easy listening music.by William Ruhlmann


A Day Without Rain专辑歌曲

disc 1
