Cruelty and the Beast

艺人:Cradle of Filth
唱片公司:Music for Nations

Cruelty and the Beast专辑介绍

Cruelty And The Beast 是Cradle Of Filth第四张作品,专辑内容以传奇的女伯爵Elizabeth Bathory为叙述的对象,其凶残的本性在Cradle Of Filth的完美诠释之下,将这段惨绝人寰的传说完整地以黑金属的音乐形式表现出来,堪称史上最恐怖的金属乐! 在歌曲之中仍然充满了主唱Dani的尖锐嘶吼,此外尚有低沉的gothic男声,以及各种形式的女声,和以往不同的是编曲的部分加强了吉他的表现,在技巧与旋律方面都比前作 Dusk And Her Embrace 进步,键盘则转为辅助的角色,营造出更为诡异恐怖的气氛。每首歌都是长达6,7分钟以上的大作,叙事型的歌词制造了戏剧性的起伏,如同欣赏一出鬼魅的金属歌剧!

by Jason Ankeny

Cradle of Filth's third full-length is another slab of uncompromising black metal, a darkly melodramatic opus where the song titles alone ("Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids," "The Twisted Nails of Faith," and "Lustmord and Wargasm [The Lick of Carnivorous Winds]") tell almost the entire story; fans of the genre will embrace Cruelty and the Beast, but the unconverted are likely to find it all rather silly.


Cruelty and the Beast专辑歌曲

disc 1
disc 2
