


开场曲「(SIC)」就以无比的怨气跟大家宣告滑结的降临,完整的编曲让九个人所负责的角色完美展现,并且歌名也代表了他们所想传达出来的讯息-SICK病态。其他收录的作品包括:成为卖座冠军惊悚大片「惊声尖叫3」之重点配曲的单曲「Wait And Bleed」,其写实的歌词则能勾起许多人的认同;「Surfacing」不但是演唱会的暴动曲目,自我觉醒与不顾一切的歌词也让歌迷心中积怨已久的情绪得到发泄;「Spit It Out」所要传达出的是不要带着害怕与恐惧的心情,也千万不要被看不起。整张专辑除了愤怒与自我认同的讯息外,音乐性也是难得的丰富多样化,但不变的是能贯穿耳膜的厚重与撕裂感。
此同名专辑是Slipknot滑结加盟爆音专门厂牌Roadrunner的首张力作,超级制作人Ross Robinson完全打点滑结的首航,不仅打进美国热门潜力榜冠军+流行专辑榜Top51+英国Top37,其打破Roadrunner厂牌的销售纪录以及受全球乐迷推崇的结果,也奠定了滑结在音乐圈的地位与份量.

These nine Midwestern boys (all from Des Moines, IA) reportedly perform wearing orange industrial coveralls with UPC symbols on the front; each bandmember is identified by a number, which is painted on the sleeve of his coveralls. Each also wears a really nasty-looking mask. Judging from their appearance and from the sound of their debut album, it's easy to assume that they're upset about something. What it is exactly is kind of hard to tell, since the stuttering roar of Number 8's vocals is barely discernible through the jackhammer death metal drums, massed guitars, horror-show samples, and jittery turntable scratches that pummel the listener through almost every song. You thought Limp Bizkit was hard? They're the Osmonds. These guys are something else entirely. And it's pretty impressive. Although those lyrics that are discernible are not generally quotable on a family website, suffice it to say that the members of Slipknot are not impressed with their fathers, their hometown, or most anything else. "Surfacing" starts out by cursing pretty much everything generally, and then it starts getting aggressive, as shrieking guitar feedback alternates with DJ scratching. "Spit It Out" is speed rap-metal with an actual melody in the chorus; "Scissors" ends the program with a sound that quite simply couldn't get any more aggro without falling apart entirely, and by the end, the singer actually sounds like he's about to burst into tears. An auspicious debut.



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