艺人:Damien Rice
唱片公司:14th Floor Records



一位游移在都市吟唱的诗人歌手,带出最简单自然的生命乐章,感动渲染清新脱俗且优雅气质的魅力存在,他释放出的单纯音符,让城市每个角落的寂寞灵魂,在Damien Rice歌曲中找到温暖依归。还记得藉由朱莉亚罗勃玆、裘德洛以及娜塔莉波曼等大明星包装电影《偷情》主题音乐之衬托,勾引出那股心痛、难过、孤独等情感,在Damien的声音驱使下,配入一播弦、一弹琴的原音流露,为情爱世界的酸甜苦辣编织出一幅幅深刻图像。

1994年,当Damien Rice与Brian Crosby、Dominic Phillips、Paul Noonan四位来自爱尔兰的年轻小伙子,于高中时期便一同组织摇滚乐团Juniper展开创作练习,上了大学后仅能在一些婚礼、吵杂的Bar中演唱,不久认识了专门翻唱Neil Diamond和Roxette的Dave Geraghty,进而邀请他一同加入乐团。1997年Juniper跟Polygram签下合约,发行多首引人注目的单曲及专辑,1999年正当他们与Manic Street Preachers的名制作人合作新专辑之际,Damien在彼此音乐理念仍有差异下,选择离团单飞。并未汲汲筹备个人专辑的Damien,反而一个人流浪到欧洲,做起街头卖唱艺人,利用卖唱赚来的钱与朋友资助些许资金添购简陋录音器材,完全DIY录制创作DEMO带,辗转获得制作人兼电影配乐大师David Arnold喜爱与鼓励。2002年发行个人专辑『O』,英国销售突破三白金,全球破1千5百万张,获得洛杉矶时报赞誉『艺术性格风采跟Jeff Buckley、Thom Yorke并驾齐驱』、AMG称赞『近乎天才的作品』。

这位慢工出细活的才子,睽违长达四年终告出版第二张作品『9』,仍然一贯民谣式简约风格,由Damien一肩扛起填词谱曲、制作、混音与多项乐器演奏之责。首支单曲「9 Crimes」,由Damien偕同美丽女声Lisa Hannigan合作演唱,以钢琴作基调,舒缓但是带着些许悽凉味觉,一阵椎心刺痛感伴随弦乐衬入而逐步显现;以空心吉他伴奏的「Elephant」,在Damien极具感染力的声音带领下,情绪渐渐攀升,到了后段转入激昂节奏一涌而上,顿时沸腾至顶点的悸动已无法自拔的全然宣洩;虽然有着流畅动人音符包裹的「Rootless Tree」,却潜藏着不安的焦躁情感;持续不断打击你聆听神经的「Me My Yoke And I」,跳着扭曲声调与狂噪音频,散射出濒临崩溃边缘的强烈冲击;末曲「Sleep Don’t Weep」,再次交由Damien和Lisa完美演出,呼应首曲的迷濛凄美感,为此辑留下一犹未尽的惊叹号,毫不矫情做作交出如此轻易打动人心的精致小品。

by Marisa Brown

In 2003, Irish singer/songwriter Damien Rice wooed listeners with his debut, O, a collection of songs that displayed his (and counterpart Lisa Hannigan's) poignant yet interesting and intelligent vocals over quiet guitars and strings. On O, Rice was able to come off as sensitive and emotional without seeming sappy or cheesy, a difficult balance to attain, and certainly an impressive accomplishment. He was also able to write simple, pretty songs that still managed to have a voice and style of their own, and stick out from the rest of the acoustic guitar folk-pop. Needless to say, because of all this, he definitely put some pressure on himself for what he would present on his next release. What he turned out, 9, unfortunately shows signs of a sophomore slump. There are still some great tracks on it -- the stellar "The Animals Were Gone," the Dylan-esque "Coconut Skins" -- and to give him credit, Rice ventures into other genres, using a piano more frequently and even an electric guitar once or twice ("Me, My Yoke & I" is a rock song, no two ways about it) along with his usual timid acoustic accompanied by orchestral strings, but where before he was able to write love songs that didn't come across as clichéd or affected, on 9 (which, incidentally, has ten tracks) he seems so aware of the danger of coming off as trite that he tries too hard to overcome it, and ends up with something that seems very forced. For the most part his melodies -- excluding the aforementioned pieces -- are nothing more than unmemorably nice, but when coupled with hooks like "The girl who does yoga/When we come over" (from "Dogs") and "Does he drive you wild?/Or just mildly free?" (from "Accidental Babies") they become memorably painful, which takes away from what's actually great about 9: namely, the musical arrangements and Rice's voice (Hannigan, though she begins and ends the album, is hardly present), whose emotion ranges from dejected apathy to anger and is always pretty believable. 9 is by no means a failure, or even bad, but it dulls in comparison to what Rice can really produce, which makes it disappointing overall.



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disc 1
