The Creek Drank the Cradle

艺人:Iron & Wine
唱片公司:Sub Pop Records

The Creek Drank the Cradle专辑介绍

在Beam的协助下,十二首感觉互相契合的曲目被精心挑选出来,于是有了署名Iron & Wine的第一张专辑《溪水吞没摇篮》(The Creek Drank the Cradle)。

整张专辑的创作,演奏,录音,制作都是由他一个人在家里录音棚中完成。专辑中使用了原声吉他,班卓琴和滑棒吉他。这张专辑已经可以和Nick Drake, Simon与Garfunkel, Elliott Smith,及其John Fahey的作品相提并论。

在同一年,Beam录制了“邮政服务”乐队当时尚未发行的歌曲《这么高》(Such Great Heights)。这首歌最初并未以Iron & Wine名义发行,而是收录在“邮政服务”乐队原唱版唱片的B面(该面一般收录与唱片主打歌曲相关但重要性较低作品)。之后收录在其2003年的首张专辑《海之韵》(The Sea & The Rhythm)中。这张密纹唱片中还包括其它在家录制风格类似的首发作品。
by Tim Sendra

Iron and Wine's debut record, The Creek Drank the Cradle, is written, produced, and performed by Sam Beam and features only Beam's voice, a gently strummed acoustic guitar, some slide guitar, and the occasional banjo. Iron and Wine creates intimate and emotional songs, recorded bedroom-style but never letting the lo-fi get in the way of the tune. The obvious comparison has to be Lou Barlow/Sebadoh/Sentridoh, as they share the same breathy voice, melancholy outlook on life, and devotion to Nick Drake. The difference is that there are no traces of punk rock or noise for the sake of noise in Iron and Wine's music. Beam isn't interested in rocking out or obscuring the beauty that bursts from within his simple songs; he embraces it and lets his sadness twist in the wind for all to see. Besides, his vocal harmonies are more soft rock than punk rock. "Lion's Mane" opens the record and immediately takes your breath away as Beam's voice is so beautiful and his hooks are razor sharp. Every song that follows is just as memorable, Beam sounding positively angelic as he harmonizes with himself. "The Rooster Moans" is a chilling side trip into Appalachian folk; "Southern Anthem" a falsetto-led indie-gospel track with an absolutely soaring chorus. The simple musical backing never gets boring either, as there are musical hooks to match the vocal hooks -- the banjo in "Lion's Mane," the double-tracked repeating slide at the end of "Faded from the Winter," the gently chugging rhythm of "Upward Over the Mountain." As soon as the almost jaunty, Neil Young-esque album closer, "Muddy Hymnal," ends, you'll want to hit repeat and start again. The Creek Drank the Cradle is a stunning debut and one of the best records of 2002.


The Creek Drank the Cradle专辑歌曲

disc 1
