Never Mind the Bollocks Here's the Sex Pistols

艺人:The Sex Pistols

Never Mind the Bollocks Here's the Sex Pistols专辑介绍

★滚石杂志「过去20年来最经典专辑」+「史上500张经典专辑」,入列NME、HMV Group、The Guardian、Q、VH1、Kerrang!、Time的百大名单,AllMusic与Spin满分评鉴力挺
70年代的流行音乐界,吹起一道狂野不羁的庞克气流,一首接一首的无政府主义之歌、各种极尽讽刺加上污言秽语、反叛思维抛向世俗社会,并逐渐转换成一种整合音乐、服装与个人意识主张的广义文化风格,这时,也造就了一些经典传奇乐团。来自英国伦敦,开启庞克潮流的先锋部队之一,以简单和弦用力狂刷,声嘶力竭的道出不快,他们是寿命最短、名气最旺、评价极高、深具话题性的庞克乐团--Sex Pistols!
吉他手Steve Jones和鼓手Paul Cook曾在乐队经理人Malcolm McLaren的服装店打工,不久结识贝斯手Glen Matlock和主唱John Lydon a.k.a. Johnny Rotten,Sex Pistols就此成型;另外,引发一连串社会新闻的问题人物--贝斯手Sid Vicious,最后就在嗑药过度下结束21年的短暂青春。同为反叛份子的Malcolm,为乐团一手策划各地大小演出活动,同时开启了Sex Pistols造反的歌唱生涯;不仅引起许多卫道人士的群起挞伐,也因歌曲内容过于耸动,作品上市却遭到拒绝上架,而Sex Pistols直接向英国女王开火的意图,更成为轰动国际的头条新闻!
 1977年发行的唯一一张录音室专辑【Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols】,在多方压力和限制下,仍然吸引为数众多的追随者力挺,直奔英国金榜冠军宝座,快速获颁白金销售认证。大快人心的替市井小民发声,也获得媒体乐评一面倒的赞誉推崇。NME于1993年第二度票选下占据「史上最佳专辑」亚军、滚石杂志「过去20年来最经典专辑」排在Beatles的「Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band」之后第二位、同列「史上500张经典专辑」,还入列HMV Group、The Guardian、Q、VH1、Kerrang!、Time的百大名单,加上AllMusic与Spin满分评鉴力挺,这张在庞克年代、甚至是流行区块最重要的经典,绝对不能错过!12首歌,如同12颗能量高载的炸弹,随时都能即刻引爆,畅快人心且爽劲十足!另外高瞩目的幕后推手,请到传奇大师Chris Thomas (The Beatles、Pink Floyd、Roxy Music)与Bill Price (The Clash、Guns N' Roses、The Jesus And Mary Chain)联手掌舵制作,精彩程度不言而喻!

面对全面到来的朋克时期,性手枪反而成了多余的人,英国显然不再适合他们,于是乐队瞄准了庞大的美国市场。1977年底,华钠公司出版了乐队唯一的一张专辑《Never Mind the Bollocks Here's the Sex Pistols》。乐队虽然在美国过得要轻松点,但是各种问题还是一直针对着他们,而且,乐队成员其实也多有不合,像第二任贝司手Sid Vicious(后因杀死其女友而被捕,在监狱中吸食毒品过量死亡),就是一个标准的问题人物,朋克中的朋克,他的存在一直是乐队最大的危机。1978年,乐队在仅仅进行了14天巡回演出后,精疲力尽的性手枪们最终在纽约宣布解散。1年后,Johnny Rotten在纽约成立了“公共形象有限公司”。

While mostly accurate, dismissing Never Mind the Bollocks as merely a series of loud, ragged midtempo rockers with a harsh, grating vocalist and not much melody would be a terrible error. Already anthemic songs are rendered positively transcendent by Johnny Rotten's rabid, foaming delivery. His bitterly sarcastic attacks on pretentious affectation and the very foundations of British society were all carried out in the most confrontational, impolite manner possible. Most imitators of the Pistols' angry nihilism missed the point: underneath the shock tactics and theatrical negativity were social critiques carefully designed for maximum impact. Never Mind the Bollocks perfectly articulated the frustration, rage, and dissatisfaction of the British working class with the establishment, a spirit quick to translate itself to strictly rock & roll terms. The Pistols paved the way for countless other bands to make similarly rebellious statements, but arguably none were as daring or effective. It's easy to see how the band's roaring energy, overwhelmingly snotty attitude, and Rotten's furious ranting sparked a musical revolution, and those qualities haven't diminished one bit over time. Never Mind the Bollocks is simply one of the greatest, most inspiring rock records of all time.


Never Mind the Bollocks Here's the Sex Pistols专辑歌曲

disc 1
disc 1
