Ocean Avenue


Ocean Avenue专辑介绍

全美排行Top 5、日本公信榜冠军专辑
Alternative Press ★★★★★ 五星满分推荐
来自阳光大地佛罗里达州的五人庞克团体 第二张全球乐迷引领期盼全新创作大碟
『自从年轻岁月的Dookie专辑后、已经许久没有摇滚乐团能够如此勇敢的将流行摇滚的精神与庞克摇滚的直率巧妙融合』 - Alternative Press ★★★★★ 五星满分推荐,Neal Avron(New Found Glory、Good Charlotte、Lifehouse)主镇製作护航、再次以激暴吉他声线、高速飙悍的节奏、畅快过瘾的流行庞克曲调,大声唱出属于年轻世代摇滚本色。


来自佛罗里达州的Yellowcard,自2003年签入主流大厂发行专辑【Ocean Avenue】,至今已缔造两千五百馀万张的惊人销售量,获得校园年轻学子热烈欢迎,就连滚石音乐杂志读者也给予四星半近满分高评,一连三首进榜畅销单曲"Way Away"、"Ocean Avenue"及"Only One",让Yellowcard挤身新世代最受瞩目之耀眼庞克乐团。创作核心兼主唱Ryan Key,自大学时期认识Sean Mackin,两年一拍即合的音乐理念,促成组团、创作的梦想。就在一组摇滚乐团急需适合主音的寻找下,吉他手Ben Harper看到Ryan精采的练习,便邀约与Ben其他团员合Jam,Yellowcard乐团也就呼之欲出!

虽然经历独立厂牌发行【One For The Kids】(2001)、『The Underdog』EP(2002),以及大获全胜【Ocean Avenue】专辑洗礼,团员间的更动如同专辑问世般之密集,吉他主将Ben在2005年宣告离团,换上新任吉他手Ryan Mendez入替,更加成熟与多元化思考方向的Yellowcard紧接推出全新大碟【Lights And Sounds】。仍邀约合作愉快的Neal Avron(New Found Glory、Good Charlotte、Lifehouse)主镇製作。开场前引曲的钢琴柔顺音韵,令人陷入Emilia红极一时"Big Big World"的错觉中,接着激暴吉他声线带领出"Three Flights Up",畅快过瘾的流行庞克曲调,大声唱出属于年轻世代摇滚本色;首支单曲"Lights And Sounds",高速飙悍的节奏配合紧张刺激之画面,入选赛车电玩「横冲直撞:复仇之道」主题音乐,更获得Video Games Award『最佳原声歌曲』奖项提名;来自20岁生日前两个礼拜,自新闻得知美国大兵在伊拉克战争中杀害,有感而发所创作"Two Weeks From Twenty"之悲歌;然而舒缓动人的"How I Go",在Acoustic吉他轻弹揭开序幕,接着加入25人组合的弦乐队配置,磅礡气势撼动人心。二度国际出发的Yellowcard,加倍火力全开势气,丰富的音乐性建构更具质感稳重演出内涵,期待各位再度给予他们热列掌声!

Yellowcard makes its major-label debut with Ocean Avenue. This SoCal punk-pop fivesome slightly softens the edges found on its previous two albums in what is an attempt to win over the TRL crowd. Regardless of the reasons why, Yellowcard works with that familiar formula of spastic, crunchy guitar licks, emo-inspired lyrics, and vocals tailored for that tinny, whiny effect. Some say it's been done before, and by 2003 it surely had, but Yellowcard seems to not give a care about it because Ocean Avenue delivers despite of its catchy recipe. The 13-song set switches in mood and tempo for a layered, dynamic sound, and vocalist Ryan Key could very well chasten Dashboard Confessional's Christopher Carrabba about keeping things short and simple. Songs like "Way Away" and "Empty Apartment" thrive on the basics of rock & roll — foliated guitars weaved in between high-speed percussion. But that's not all. Yellowcard has a secret component when it comes to crafting its own punk-inspired presentation. Violinist Sean Mackin is impressively skilled, and his talent allows Yellowcard to have a bit of an advantage in making something sound original and fresh. "Believe" and the acoustic guitars of "One Year, Six Months" are proof of that. Ocean Avenue isn't exactly outstanding in the sense that this band has done something outrageously different, but it is a worthy collection of songs with a real heart; that alone shows that Yellowcard is on to something solid.


Ocean Avenue专辑歌曲

disc 1
