Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder

艺人:Cradle of Filth

Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder专辑介绍

获Metal Hammer称誉「英国自Iron Maiden后最成功的金属乐团」
再度请到合作愉快的金属狂人Andy Sneap(Soulfly、Machine Head、Opeth)负责製作/溷音第八张概念式新碟
赢得各报章、网路媒体给予超高的推崇:AMG(4/5) + Kerrang!(4/5) + Metal Hammer(9/10) + Thrash Hits(4.5/5) + Rocksound(7/10)

被英国权威金属杂志Metal Hammer称誉「是英国自Iron Maiden后最成功的金属乐团」的Cradle Of Filth,一直以阴森充满邪气的独特魅力,夹带着交响音韵与哥德式冷调气息,搭配出吸血鬼妖姬神秘却具有吸引力的文学词藻,汇集成其独树一格的「吸血鬼派黑暗金属」风,在整个90年代,早已跃居成为欧美重金属界鼎鼎大名的经典乐团,更是少数获得主流大厂赏识获签旗下的重装摇滚部队!

来自英国的Cradle Of Filth,由主唱Dani Filth领军,自1994年正式发行首张独立厂专辑“The Princople Of Evil Made Flesh”,至2003年进入Sony音乐集团推出的“Damnation And A Day”之间,虽由于团员异动频繁,有时会让人搞不清楚现在正式成员到底是哪几位,却无损Cradle Of Filth之地位与受欢迎的程度。即使身处主流厂牌公司,却仍坚持一贯特色,拒绝向商业界靠拢,併发轰隆作响的黑金暴力美学,更奇蹟闯关登上流行专辑榜行列中!转投效金属/摇滚大本营Roadrunner Records连续祭出“Nymphetamine”和“ Thomography”两张作品,也全冲进美国告示牌的百大名单,唱片公司也极为重视的邀来许多一线製作人前来助阵。

再度请到合作愉快的金属狂人Andy Sneap (Soulfly、Machine Head、Opeth)负责操盘/溷音的此第八张录音室作品,被主唱Dani强调是该团出道以来最具极端冲突、戏剧性的专辑,已经赢得各报章、网路媒体给予超高的推崇,包括了:AMG(4/5) + Kerrang!(4/5) + Metal Hammer(9/10) + Thrash Hits(4.5/5) + Rocksound(7/10)。此辑所呈现的概念,主要场景拉至15世纪的法国,一位恶名昭彰的贵族,在成为连续杀人狂、性变态跟撒旦崇拜者前,却曾在圣女贞德身边一起并肩作战,许多正邪双面的内心纠葛,藉着13首曲目陆续上演。从管絃乐搭衬且气势磅礡的「In Grandeur And Frankincense Devilment Stirs」拉开序幕,一场撒旦和上帝的两派之争随即上演;进行到男女对唱交错之「The Death Of Love」,勾勒一幅凄美的图像;勐撞血腥的「Tragic Kingdom」,仍然扩展高能量的金属气势,冲出地底阴暗角落,融合歌德与交响元素,解构出残暴黑金团的庞大气势;第一主攻「Honey And Sulphur」,以高涨毁灭火焰直袭每位乐迷的心,并一次次满足感官刺激与听觉震撼。

Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder (subtitled The Life and Crimes of Gilles de Rais) is the eighth studio album by English extreme metal band Cradle of Filth. It was released on 27 October 2008, through Roadrunner Records.
It is Cradle of Filth's first album as a four-piece, rather than its usual six-man staple. It is also the last album to feature backing vocalist Sarah Jezebel Deva (although she briefly returned for Midnight in the Labyrinth) and the first to feature drummer Martin Škaroupka, replacing Adrian Erlandsson. Once again, Doug Bradley provides narration for the album (as with Midian, Nymphetamine and Thornography). The title of the album derives from a valediction vocalist Dani Filth once used to sign a letter.
A special edition containing a bonus disc was also released. The album peaked at number 48 on the Billboard Top 200 chart, with sales of a little over 11,000 copies.


Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder专辑歌曲

disc 1
disc 2
