* 囊括2座葛莱美奖+5座全美音乐奖+4座MTV音乐大奖+6座MTV欧洲音乐大奖得主!
* 首支单曲「Burn It Down」已强势登上全美另类榜冠军+告示牌摇滚歌曲榜亚军宝座!
* 话题收录【吸血鬼猎人:林肯总统】电影片尾曲「Powerless」、知名电玩【荣誉勋章:铁血焊将】预告片主题曲「Lies Greed Misery」!
自联合公园(Linkin Park)早期的两张专辑《混合理论Hybrid Theory》及《天空之城-美特拉Meteora》,就可以看出其有别于一般的流行音乐团体,他们总是跳脱框架的束缚,敢勇于尝试各式新的挑战。然而,当联合公园的6位团员:Chester Bennington、Rob Bourdon、Brad Delson、Dave ‘Phoenix’ Farrell、Joe Hahn、以及Mike Shinoda获得全面的成功之后,他们仍毅然决定捨弃自己已创造出的成功模式基础,力图寻找新鲜的音符及探索不一样的意象思绪。于是,联合公园藉由他们的第三张专辑《末日警钟 毁灭‧新生Minutes To Midnight》,及第四张作品《烈日千阳A Thousand Suns》,向未知的领域勇敢地跨出飞跃步伐。要达成这样的成长学习曲线是艰难的,但自踏上音乐之路的第一天开始,联合公园就将他们所喜爱的各式音乐曲风不断地融合冲撞,逐渐地建构出其具有独特性的音乐样貌及自我风格。出道迈向第12年,乐团推出第五张原创专辑《生命‧进化‧原点LIVING THINGS》, 6人不仅找到了全新的音乐工具让理念实现,他们也以更自在的姿态,拥抱凝聚他们音乐生涯中的所有点滴历程。
利用过去一年的时间,乐团将他们所有曾刻划下的音乐轨迹一一记录、再次拼凑连接且尽情活化累积过的所有想法。当《生命‧进化‧原点LIVING THINGS》的雏形逐渐清晰之时,我们发现,这是联合公园首次这么急于使用他们音乐工具箱中的每项工具。专辑中的每首歌曲,他们都使用最前卫与最经典的齿轮来共同启动,将真诚与满腔的热情注入于歌声中,不断拆解研究他们对于每首歌的想法。《LIVING THINGS》是张非常个人化的作品,就像专辑名称一样,这全新的音符乐章以探讨人类情感和彼此的关係为创作中心。这是一张意气风发、精力充沛,勇敢大胆且不怕将过去、现在和未来互相撞击的作品。
早已分不清楚Mike与Chester谁是谁的回音,在迷失之中相互撞击着;在血肉模糊之际,不容动摇的灵魂依旧孤傲飘荡,勇气中带着诗意;点燃电气火焰、蔓延光彩夺目的节奏,首发单曲已强势登上全美另类榜冠军+告示牌摇滚歌曲榜亚军宝座;将挑战权威的字句,转化成一道道音牆,撕裂胸口将怒吼倾泻而出;拉开视角用漂浮的姿态,的建造工法层次多元; 裡的情绪毫无保留,这部激昂的宣战讴歌,让人无法忘怀;萧瑟的钟声萦绕盘旋,末日之战来临,不断召唤;熟悉的音符降临,忘却自我意识无畏无惧;生命经历不断进化与回到原点的过程,在毁灭混沌之后重新建构信念,再次突显人类的藐小。 (by KKBOX)
Living Things is the fifth studio album by the American rock band Linkin Park. It was released under Warner Bros. Records and Machine Shop Recordings on June 20, 2012, in Japan, and throughout the rest of the world during the following week. Production was handled by vocalist Mike Shinoda and Rick Rubin, who both co-produced the band's previous two studio albums Minutes to Midnight (2007) and A Thousand Suns (2010).
The band states that Living Things combines elements from their previous four studio albums to create a new sound. They stated they finally felt they were in "familiar territory" and "comfortable in [their] own skin" after years of experimentation that resulted in their two previous studio albums, Minutes to Midnight and A Thousand Suns. Living Things was chosen as the album's title because of the numerous personal topics on the album.
The lead single for the album, "Burn It Down", was sent to radio and released to digital music retailers on April 16, 2012. Living Things debuted at number one on Billboard 200 with sales of 223,000 copies in the United States in its opening week. (wiki)
by Stephen Thomas Erlewine
Linkin Park got pretty moody on 2010's A Thousand Suns, settling into a sulky electronica groove that pretty much screamed "growing pains" to anybody who listened closely. On its 2012 sequel, Living Things, Linkin Park attempts to graft guitars back onto their newly mature musical outlook, and the reintroduction of visceral force certainly helps give this album a pulse lacking on A Thousand Suns. It's hardly a step back to the old angst-ridden rap-rockers of the turn of the millennium, however. Admirably, Linkin Park revels in a near-middle-aged angst, letting their songs address adult concerns and giving their productions contours and texture; the additional noise isn't an expression of fury, it's used to enhance the drama. Generally, the songs feel sharper on Living Things -- there is definition to their structure, some of the choruses catch hold without too much effort -- but this album remains one of sustained mood, not individual moments. And in that regard, Living Things handily trumps A Thousand Suns: it doesn't stay still, it peaks and ebbs, flowing steadily between brooding and explosions of repressed rage, a fitting soundtrack for aging rap-rockers who are comfortable in their skin but restless at heart.
What I've Done (Live) (Japan Bonus Track)在《Burn It Down》已经收录,喜欢的童鞋去EP页面视听和下载吧。