Songs of Innocence

唱片公司:Island Records

Songs of Innocence专辑介绍

爱尔兰乐队U2在距离上一张《No Line on the Horizon》5年之后推出全新专辑《Songs of Innocence》,歌词由 Bono和The Edge包办,专辑在都柏林、洛杉矶和纽约三地录制。数字版在苹果大会的同期开放免费下载,实体专辑也会在10月13日发售。(XIAMI)

CD2中的“Acoustic Sessions”为6首歌Every Breaking Wave / California (There Is No End to Love) / Raised by Wolves / Cedarwood Road / Song for Someone / The Miracle (of Joey Ramone) (Busker Version)的整轨。

史上最大规模的发行计划 一次让五亿人口同步拥有U2
★全球瞩目奇迹主打:在iPhone 6发表会首唱,献给传奇庞克乐团Ramones的首波单曲"The Miracle (of Joey Ramone)"
★实体CD一次加收10首iTunes未收录曲目:包括两首年度创作"Lucifer’s Hands"、"The Crystal Ballroom",及专辑中八首曲目不同录音版本
这张专辑与占全世界总人口百分之四的五亿人分享,这是史上最大的音乐传奇。」 …U2
2014年9月9日,在这一天,史上最伟大的摇滚乐团U2再度用音乐改写历史!他们与Apple合作,将第13张专辑【Songs Of Innocence】发送给全世界超过5亿的iTunes用户,树立了音乐史上最大的专辑发行里程碑,缔造了全球最多人在专辑发行首日同步拥有一张专辑的空前纪录。10月13日,U2将以【Songs Of Innocence】专辑双碟盘进行实体CD发行。
【Songs Of Innocence】可以说是U2成军以来最能展现乐团个人风格的专辑,作品引领乐迷进入乐团在组团早期深受70年代的摇滚乐、庞克摇滚,到80年代初期的电子摇滚、环境氛围音乐等类型音乐影响的唱作空间,专辑以四位团员在都柏林的成长岁月里,由小男孩成长至不太确定的成人世界的人生学习过程做为歌曲创作的灵感,让乐迷深刻了解U2组团成军的过程以及音乐理念形成的轨迹。
有别于之前曝光的专辑image,是向70年代后期与80年代初期的宣传用唱片的白色标签致敬,正式专辑的封面是选用曾经担任Prada品牌指定摄影师Glen Luchford采实验风格拍摄U2鼓手Larry Mullen, Jr.以保护方式抱着18岁儿子的黑白照片,乐团希望运用此一视觉来隐喻专辑中关于「如何保有你自己的纯真远比你去拥抱别人还要难」的主题。专辑选择在都柏林、伦敦、纽约、洛杉矶等地进行录制,制作阵容包括:Danger Mouse(*The Black Keys)、Paul Epworth(*Adele)、Ryan Tedder(*Beyonce)、Declan Gaffney(*U2专辑『No Line On The Horizon』录音师)、Flood(*Depeche Mode)。专辑名称借用自英国浪漫主义文学作家William Blake在1789年所发表的诗集,内容有关在发现新事物的伟大年代中,男人持续不断的探索童年时期。专辑中的歌曲主题触及家庭、人与人之间的关系与新发现,包括:向纽约庞克摇滚经典乐团Ramones致敬,同时也是U2在iPhone 6发表会献唱的单曲"The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone)";向英国庞克大团The Clash主唱Joe Strummer致敬的"This is Where You Can Reach Me Now";以Bono住过的街道做为歌名,抒发年轻时期的恐惧与愤怒的"Cedarwood Road";以70年代都柏林的汽车炸弹事件为题材,回首紧绷时局的"Raised By Wolves";Bono悼念在他14岁时过世的母亲的感人歌曲"Iris (Hold Me Close)"。

U2 has released ‘Songs of Innocence,’ its first album in five years, for free via iTunes. Everyone with an account in 119 countries — something like half a billion people — will have exclusive access to the album through October 13. Physical copies arrive via Interscope Records the next day.
“From the very beginning, U2 have always wanted our music to reach as many people as possible — the clue is in our name, I suppose — so today is kind of mind-blowing to us,” Bono said, during a special Apple announcement. “The most personal album we’ve written could be shared with half a billion people, by hitting send. If only songwriting was that easy.”
‘Songs of Innocence’ features 11 new songs. A deluxe edition will include an acoustic session featuring select tracks from ‘Songs of Innocence,’ as well as four additional tunes.
The album, which will also reportedly be available via iTunes Radio and Beats Music, was recorded in New York, London, Los Angeles and Dublin with producers Danger Mouse, Paul Epworth, Ryan Tedder, Declan Gaffney and Flood — the latter of whom has worked with U2 since 1987′s ‘The Joshua Tree.’ A complete tracklisting is below.
Anyone who signs up for iTunes in the next five weeks receives a free copy, as well. “It’s exciting and humbling to think that people who don’t know U2 or listen to rock music for that matter might check us out,” Bono added.


Songs of Innocence专辑歌曲

disc 1
disc 2
