Lost Highway

艺人:Bon Jovi

Lost Highway专辑介绍

拥有全台唯一销售突破百万纪录的西洋超级摇滚乐团—邦乔飞,在经历了超过20个年头的洗礼,总销量破天荒突破一亿张,继上一张专辑【Have a Nice Day】在全球狂卖450万张后,终于宣布2007最新专辑【Lost Highway】即将推出,为今年西洋乐坛投下了一颗震撼弹。

好莱坞的环保议题持续高涨,长期支持美国前副总统高尔政坛活动的摇滚天团邦乔飞,近年来则共同呼吁世界关注球暖化问题。去年曾于美国欧普拉脱口秀上,捐赠一百万美金援助纽奥良灾民,今年邦乔飞则应高尔之邀,于7月份参加由高尔主导、之关注暖化问题的「Live Earth」演唱会。紧接着于9月份、邦乔飞将与天后玛丽亚凯莉携手为美国儿童音乐教育义唱募款,10月再为家乡纽泽西打拼,为新落成的大型体育场开幕首唱。

义行满载的邦乔飞,日前也忙于推出全新专辑【Lost Highway飞行公路(暂译)】,全球发行日定于6月中旬,为了播冗参与下半年度义演行程,邦乔飞也提前进行新专辑宣传活动,除了参加全美三千万人收看的「美国偶像American Idol」担任评审,也拍摄完成一支酷似”灵异第六感”的音乐录影带”You Want To Make A Memory(製造回忆)”,主唱琼邦乔飞也将在该录影带中饰演布鲁斯威利,展现深情又帅气的一面,该音乐录影带下週起将于全球推出,台湾区则将于MTV台首播,并且于本週五(5/18)推出专辑预购活动。

今年7月份起,邦乔飞将先参加7月7日的「Live Earth」演唱会,该活动主旨为唤醒地球暖化的危机意识,以24小时马拉松式演唱会,横跨美国、英国、日本等六个国家跨时区接力赛演唱,邦乔飞将担任美国主场压轴。接下来在9月邦乔飞将受美国VH1电视频道之邀,参加「Save the Music」演唱会,该活动于今年迈入十週年纪念,除了选定于纽约林肯中心举办,也特别邀请邦乔飞以及玛丽亚凯莉同台献艺,摇滚天团以及流行天后将一起鼓励大人支持小朋友们接受音乐教育。除了慈善演唱的行程之外,身为纽泽西之光的邦乔飞,在同乡们的热情邀请之下,9月份将在斥资3亿6千5百万美金的「Prudential Center」体育场开幕首唱,对老家的重要活动,邦乔飞当然义不容辞一口答应。

by Stephen Thomas Erlewine

Serious country fans know that "Lost Highway" is a Leon Payne-written Hank Williams classic, but even though Bon Jovi's 2007 album shamelessly trades on iconographic country imagery in a bid for a genre-skipping crossover hit, it's designed for those country fans who don't much care about Hank's legend (never mind knowing anything about Leon Payne). Lost Highway has little to do with any country prior to Garth Brooks, a move that makes sense since Garth was the gateway drug to country music for old Bon Jovi fans in the '90s. In that regard, it makes perfect sense for Bon Jovi to refashion themselves as a modern country act, because their heartland anthems are as thoroughly middle American as any country artist, and in 2007 country was at the core of mainstream pop music; in other words, the band's fans already have made the crossover, so they wouldn't see this crossover move as crass, just as catching up. But when it comes right down to it, Bon Jovi's self-styled country album has little to do with contemporary country in 2007, either. Despite duets with LeAnn Rimes and Big & Rich, despite the occasional fiddle or steel guitar, Lost Highway recalls nothing so much as a latter-day Bon Jovi record in how it balances fist-pumping arena anthems with heavy doses of sentiment. Not long after the buried fiddles on "Lost Highway" fade from memory and enough time passes to excuse the bad Toby Keith knockoff "Summertime," it's virtually impossible to distinguish this album anything after 1992's Keep the Faith. Which isn't necessarily bad, mind you -- Bon Jovi has a flair for commercial craft, knowing how to hit the sweet spot between the mundane and melodic, and there are times on Lost Highway where the group does so again. Ironically enough, what hurts is when they really try to fit into the conventions of country -- usually on the rockers, as on the aforementioned "Summertime" and the even-worse Big & Rich duet "We Got It Going On," which manages to cram in every sports-bar cliché into an unpalatable mess, a talent that also emphasizes Jon Bon Jovi's unfortunate tendency to rely on hackneyed imagery -- but when they're just being the smooth, efficient pop crooners they are, Lost Highway is as good as, and no different than, any Bon Jovi album since Keep the Faith. Which may not make it as adventurous as it appears, but it should still be satisfying all the same to those loyal fans.


Lost Highway专辑歌曲

disc 1
disc 1
disc 2
disc 3
