
艺人:Children of Bodom
唱片公司:Spinefarm Records


与Dark Tranquillity、In Flames并列最为成功的三大旋律死亡金属乐团阔别三年第六张大碟直冲英国金榜冠军宝座,金属权威杂志Kerrang!和Metal Hammer给予四星近满分高评金属界制作大将Mikko Karmilla(Stratovarius、Nightwish、Apocalyptica)与Peter Tatgren(Pain、Therion、Immortal)联手操盘

与Dark Tranquillity、In Flames并列最为成功的三大旋律死亡金属乐团,然而欧洲顶着粗暴、重力加速度的强力金属气流,已经蓄势待发瞄准国际舞台,就连美国市场大饼,甚至流行跨界市场,都在虎视眈眈准备奋力一搏。广为融合Power、Thrash、Neo-Classical、Speed、Melodic Death等流派,Children Of Bodom(以下简称C.O.B.)无疑是增添更为宽广的市场包容性,让全球乐迷见识到来自芬兰首都赫尔辛基的C.O.B.独特魅力。

由从小打闹成一片的主唱/吉他手Alexi "Wildchild" Laiho和鼓手Jaska Raatikainen为核心,原以IneartheD之名创立乐团,後因源自芬兰境内一桩骇人听闻,至今尚未侦破的恐怖凶杀案,出事地点就在赫尔辛基Lake Bodom的灵感,Children Of Bodom便正式启用。1997年推出首张专辑『Something Wild』,获得乐迷高度赞誉,接着陆续问市『Hatebreeder』(1999)、『Follow The Reaper』(2000)、『Hate Crew Deathroll』(2003)等四张专辑,其中也企划发行现场实况『Tokyo Warheart』,都成为唱片公司的销售保证。第五张录音室新作『Are You Dead Yet?』更是冲破流行区块进入主流排行榜里头。

阔别三年之久,C.O.B.出版第六张大碟【Blooddrunk】,直冲英国金榜冠军宝座,请到金属界制作大将Mikko Karmilla(Stratovarius、Nightwish、Apocalyptica)以及Peter Tatgren(Pain、Therion、Immortal)联手操盘。金属权威杂志Kerrang!和Metal Hammer全给予四星近满分高评。从开场的"Hellhounds On My Trail"一起音,整个聆听情绪瞬间勾进那股狂猛急速的爽劲中,如恶魔降临般的咆嚎不停歇的直驶至第一波主打"Blooddrunk",佐以旋律死金以及Extreme Power Metal霸气;受到80年代金属之声影响的C.O.B.,添加大量键盘电气音效渗入,猛力吉他音墙加上稠密鼓点,替"Tie My Rope"寻求复古和时兴的平衡点;末曲"Ghostriders In The Sky"则是翻唱美国40年代Stan Jones的跨界乡村畅销名作,别有一番风味。C.O.B.一再的将旋律金属音韵编至北欧风格死亡金属领域,流窜出古典旋律及速度金属的交互进行,过瘾至极加上吉他SOLO穿绕,组合出一股强而有力的音乐新浪潮。(kkbox)

by Greg Prato

Boy, whoever thought that technical metal was dead as a doornail during the mid- to late '90s has been proven dead wrong. Just a few years after this aforementioned era of "metal no man's land," technical metal has spread like a virus, via bands that share both an appreciation of the extreme aggression of Slayer and the technical proficiency of Iron Maiden. A fitting example of both of these metallic styles colliding as one is Finland's Children of Bodom, and especially their 2008 offering, Blooddrunk. All the ingredients from past Bodom releases are present once more -- Goth keyboards, guitar acrobatics, and vocals that sound straight out of the torture chamber. These lads sure can play their instruments, as evidenced by such intense metal blasts as the title track, "Smile Pretty for the Devil," and "Tie My Rope." But one thing that differentiates Children of Bodom from the host of other similarly styled bands is that they know the importance of succinct songwriting -- only one track here stretches past the five-minute mark. As a result, Blooddrunk showcases one of the few modern-day metal bands that manage to balance straight-to-the-point songwriting with their collective instrumental prowess. [A Deluxe Edition CD/DVD was also released.]



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